A woman gave birth to her first kid at a beach near the water with the help of a doula and an obstetrician in what she calls a “natural and ecological birth.” Doula Maria Luna posted footage of her amazing birth on social media and talked about how she had prepared for the unusual labor and birth. “Today was the day, the expected day, we lived our natural birth, physiological birth, ecological birth, in the place we dreamed, with wonderful details from God to live it, and with the perfect company,” she said in the comments of her video.
“We won’t deny that there were anxious thoughts, but as God writes in Philippians 4:6-7 “Pray about everything instead of worrying about it.” Thank God for everything he has done and express to him what you need. And in Christ Jesus, the peace of God, which exceeds all comprehension, will sooth your hearts and minds.
“Every negative idea vanishes, and even if the days before were cloudy, we didn’t give up hope, picturing how we would be able to carry out God’s plan for this new birth and, most importantly, spending every evening on our knees praying for his guidance.
The design that we are showcasing in this movie is the result of the expertise, guidance, and support of a group of specialists… who respect both physiological and natural design as well as the choices made by the process’ main protagonists: dad, mom, and baby. Maria emphasized that every factor was carefully taken into account before the birth. “To make this process easier to handle, a birth plan was created and communicated with the labor’s team of empathetic experts. Weather, process timing, a good pregnancy and healthy infant, as well as parent knowledge and determination, were all factors considered.
“Not being able to control anything but hoping that everything will flow through God’s perfect will, this day was a day with radiant sun, a process that began in the day, and the team’s support to carry it out.”
Baby Amelia was born on Jυly 16th at 10.15 a.m. on the beach, with Maria’s husband Raul Ramirez, their doula, and obstetrician all by her side. The videos have attracted thousands of likes and comments, many commending Maria on her strength and determination. However, there were those who were concerned about just how safe a beach birth is.“I understand that hospitals are ᴠiᴏlent and disrespeᴄtful, but to say that being born like this is right and safe is to go back 200 years in preᴠentable infant mortality,” commented desix1989.
“We humanize births with discretion, work to create ideal circumstances that are good for the mother and the baby, births in water with clean water at a good temperature and adequate’smilarity,’ births in free movement and position, accompanying worthy of the father and the family.. all of that is precious… Keep in mind, however, that the medico criteria, which permits us to dilute the fact that a newborn baby has a circulation volume and that the marine microbiota harbors germs that are hard to treat, has a salt charge unsuitable for ingestion.
“She is so young and has a stomach that with 5 ᴄᴄ, the first few hours are full, so ingesting a salty drink implies a maximum risk, that the water from the rivers has free amoebas that eat the brains literally, Anyway… Let’s unite the good wishes and practices of humanizing with a responsible exercise of medicine.”