Twins Born At 22 Weeks Go Home After Over 130 Days In Hospital

Avery Reign Davis and Emersyn Gray Davis’ mother, Taylor Davis, said she feels “lucky” after bringing her twin daughters home from the hospital last week. On Monday, the girls at Fort Myers, Florida’s Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida’s neonatal intensive care unit were released. Avery stayed in the NICU for 137 days while Emersyn was there for 134 days. Three days separated the fraternal twins’ births, and their birth narrative may go down in history.

Although they are 4.5 months old, Davis told “Good Morning America” that they are still considered newborns. Their due date is March 1 because they were born at 22 weeks.

Davis learned that her cervix was shorter than typical from her doctor in October. Numerous expectant women have cervixes that are shorter than average, which might lead to early delivery. She said that on October 22, 2021, her doctor gave her the go-ahead to carry out the remainder of her pregnancy in a hospital bed. Although Davis started to get ready, on October 24 she reported feeling like she was about to give birth and was rushed to Golisano, nearly an hour away from her house in Alva, Florida.

“They took me straight to the labor and delivery room because in the emergency room they said I was completely dilated, completely out, and my daughter Avery was in her birth canal,” remembers Davis I”.

Davis believed she was 22 weeks along, but the hospital staff reportedly checked the ultrasound findings and informed her that she was actually only 21 weeks, 3 days along, and that if she gave birth early, the baby might not survive or might not have a long life. – medical issues including cerebral palsy, blindness, or autism. Despite all the obstacles placed in their path, Davis said she and her husband, Mark Davis, 29, considered their alternatives and chose to fight for their twins. The 27-year-old added, “My husband and I answered, “No, we’ll do everything we can to save them.”

On October 29, Davis gave birth to Avery. She is exactly 1 pound, or 454 grams, in weight. She was able to be intubated and given oxygen by hospital staff.

They wouldn’t have survived, according to Davis, if I hadn’t been upside down throughout those six days. “I’m thrilled with the choice I made. I won’t give up. When Avery arrived, there were a number of issues, including sepsis and bilateral brain hemorrhage, which Davis said made the period during Avery’s delivery “very emotional” for her. “She had a very severe sepsis,” she claimed. weighing so much and spending such a long time in my birth canal is a marvel in and of itself.

What they did was leave her placenta in me. They sewed up the umbilical cord and pushed it back inside me, and I stayed like that for three days until Emersyn’s waters broke,” Davis said, noting that doctors warned her it was risky. and she was going to get an infection. Davis had an infection. on November 1 by emergency cesarean section, which, according to Davis, was a scary and “tremendously traumatic” time, a time when she thought she herself might not make it through.

Davis stayed strong in his decision throughout. She declared, “I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do everything I could to save my girls.

Emersyn received care for sepsis and bilateral brain hemorrhage, just like Avery. Davis described her as being “an emotional roller coaster” while they were in the NICU. having to watch as they implant PICC lines in my babies, who weigh less than a pound, and perform all of these other procedures. It feels like my body has let them down, and I feel mother guilt for putting them through something they should never have to go through, but there is nothing I can do about it. However, as a mother, you want to keep your child safe, and I did everything I could when things were out of my control.

Davis claimed today that her twin kids are more healthy than the doctors had anticipated. She remarked, “There’s nothing wrong with them; it’s what they would anticipate from 22-week-olds. According to Davis, Avery is receiving treatment for hemangiomas that are close to his eyes. According to Davis, Emersyn will receive medicine to treat retinopathy, a retinal ailment that doesn’t require eye surgery, and will also have hernia surgery at the age of six months. The mother of five claims that Avery and Emersyn have altered her outlook on life.

She is delighted to have gotten to meet the twins now that they are with their parents and siblings, which also include Riley’s older sister Davis and brothers Levi and Easton. She calls Emersyn the “calm” and “sensitive” sister, whereas Avery is the “hot-tempered” and “determined” sister. She also has advice for other expectant mothers as well as for her twins.

I want to give mothers hope, because a lot of hospitals say 22 weeks is unviable, and they won’t even save them or try to save them until they’re 24 weeks and they have can be transferred to other hospitals that don’t settle for their local hospital not being willing to save them, because there are others who will,” Davis added.

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