Trans Man Shows Exciting Photos Of His Natural Birth

Danny Wakefield has been advocating for LGBT rights for ten years, and this time he is doing so much more forcefully: he is giving birth. Birth photographs are a fantastic way to convey the force of bringing a life into the world, which is difficult to do in words. Such was the story of transgender American influencer Danny Wakefield, who last Saturday, March 28, gave birth to his daughter Wilder Lea following a ten-hour labor.

Six heartbreaking images show Danny sitting in the indoor pool and exerting all of his effort to give birth to his child vaginally. The major event is eventually seen with the last click. When her father first gave the young child a hug, she was found resting on her chest, and her father couldn’t help but cry. This is my Wilder introduction to the world moment. I had to get five stitches inside after my labia [vagina] split from pushing this kid out so quickly. I have four lips, and in my entire life, I have never felt my wounds from the battlefield so painful.

Danny also released a video of the last time he gave birth to his daughter before the pictures of the delivery. The fact that her mother was reclining on one side of the tank, holding her mother’s hand, and donning a mask to protect against the corona virus a crucial piece of equipment for anyone giving birth during this epidemic also attracted attention to the scene. And Danny provided a touching image of her daughter lying on her chest, skin-to-skin contact soon after birth, for people who want a closer look at her expression. “You all have told me the truth, this is the best moment of my life,” the father exclaimed.

Even before his daughter was born, Danny has been doing important work for ten years on the internet to raise awareness about respecting transgender bodies. But with her growing belly during pregnancy, that struggle has shifted to giving people a kinder view of what it’s like to be a fat mom. So in his final publication, still in development, he gave an insightful report on the subject. “This baby is still baking, but it’s okay. I looked down at my belly, I have never seen my body so beautiful. Being pregnant has given me the right to love him to the extent that my soul feels,” the influencer wrote.

“At initially, I had a lot of insecurity about gaining weight throughout this pregnancy. When I visited the emergency hospital a few months ago, I abruptly put on weight, and I immediately experienced embarrassment. I’m embarrassed by the 70 pounds my body has put on. I feel ashamed because the image I see in the mirror makes me momentarily disliking my entire body. But as @brenebrown points out, silence is the Petri dish that embarrasses me the most, therefore I spoke about it,” Danny said.

“I sit with my shame without trying to quell it. I hugged him like I would a newborn, and the shame slowly melted away. Big and beautiful body, every number will look back at me”, the influencer emphasized. He also said that 3 years ago, he constantly received compliments for being skinny. But what people don’t know is that he’s a heavy meth addict and sicker than ever.

Therefore, Danny’s request is also the request of many other fat people, whose bodies appear in public for others to guess old and young. “Please stop commenting on other people’s bodies. You never know what other people are going through or how close they really are to death, no matter how “good” they look,” she emphasizes.

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