This Mom Gave Birth In Her Backyard & The Photos Are Beyond Breathtaking

For most women, welcoming a new being into this world can be one of the most gratifying moments. Ask any mother you know. She would attest that, despite being painful as well, delivery is a truly magnificent event. Just knowing that you will get to hold your tiny angel at the end of it makes every struggle worth it!

There are a handful of ways to bring a baby into this world, and though many of us might immediately think “hospital” when it comes to childbirth, there’s something undeniably beautiful and seriously cool about giving birth right at home. A home delivery means fewer beeping monitors, fewer people present, and a peaceful setting of your choice, whether it’s in bed, the bathroom shower, or a birthing tub in the living room. Even if you’ve never once thought that a home birth could be right for you, there’s no question: home births are pretty rad.

“There’s no place like home” may have all new meaning after you see these stunning birth photos of moms bringing their babies into the world in their homes.

When Gini Rothenberger was delivering her second baby, she decided to opt for a water birth. It was a magical experience giving birth to her little angel under the stars. More than drugs, it was more about serenity. Her birth photos are nothing less than spectacular. Have a look:

Looking At The Stars

Lying in a birthing pool kept in her backyard, Gini let the calming water ease her painful contractions. This happened on a warm September day.

Anything But Normal

Gini followed all the rules when giving birth to her first kid, attending childbirth classes and strictly according to the doctor’s instructions. She was devastated to learn that everything had been in vain after being treated like a number in the hospital on the day of her delivery.

Thus, Came This Idea

On hearing upon the news of her second pregnancy, Gini decided to do things differently this time around. Instead, she became close with her midwife. When Gini suggested the notion of a “water birth,” her midwife agreed without hesitation.

Different In A Good Way!

This time around, she was surrounded by those who deeply cared for her and respected her wishes. She took some time alone to simply stare at the horizon as the husband and the birth team got ready for the delivery. She realized then that this time would be different.

Childbirth- Truly Beautiful!

Gini went through a beautiful realization of how peaceful childbirth truly is. After having faced disappointment the first time around, Gini and her partner decided to take charge and make this a memorable experience.

Photos? No, Thanks!

Birth photography was her midwife’s idea, and of course, Gini wasn’t sure about it initially. After her first encounter, she wasn’t sure why anyone would want to see a photo of childbirth.

Thank God, She Agreed!

The calmness and strength captured in the pictures are truly phenomenal, even during the most intense of the moments.

Meet The Little One!

Her midwife was present the entire time and was aware of what had to be done. As a result, she was never overly anxious. Gini only only to take a glance at her tiny angel to realize everything will be alright. In fact, amazing!

Spectacular Is An Understatement!

Everything about this picture is truly spectacular. A mother nursing her baby comfortably. And, just look at the face of the proud parents!

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