Mother Delivers In Front Seat Of Vehicle Following Police Escort To Hospital

Alice Violet Jones was born in the front passenger seat because Hannah, who was traveling with Lewis Jones, 32, and his father, left earlier than normal but still didn’t make it to the hospital in time. The father-in-car was accompanied by the police.

Although Hannah Dade was aware of how quickly she went into labor when she gave birth to her first child Rosie, she decided to leave her Barry home at five minutes instead of the three to four minutes recommended for pregnancy. To get to Cardiff’s University Hospital of Wales, they have plenty of time. It moves so quickly and strangely that it almost feels like a movie. On April 14, my wife’s first contractions began, followed by two more days before her due date. Hannah is playing with her eldest daughter in the garden, the weather is very nice today. Together we took these beautiful pictures as a souvenir.

I quickly recognized something was wrong as I examined my swellies, and contractions began to flow. We live about 20 minutes from Heath, and when my contractions started coming every three to four minutes, we were informed we needed to leave to get there.

When my wife’s first daughter was delivered quite rapidly, my wife and I decided to go to the hospital sooner than we had planned. We tried to move earlier this time because I lost 10 cm while traveling at the time. Hannah gave birth on the way to the hospital. In order to wait for the ambulance to come, people stopped along the side of the road. When the policeman approached me from behind, they promised to give us the all-clear to get to the hospital in time. There were 4 people driving in front of and behind our car with sirens, to notify people of priority lanes.

I was aware of everything going on at the moment since the labor started quickly. In between contractions, I could make out numerous police vehicles. In front of the hospital, an ambulance was ready to transport the family. Hannah claimed that when she first arrived, physicians tried to convince her to use a wheelchair, but it was already too late and the baby was already coming out. The baby girl was delivered in the front seat of the car parked outside the prenatal unit after arriving at the hospital six minutes earlier. Everything went perfectly, and the newborn was safely delivered and placed on my chest. I was pushed into the hospital while my mother was placed on the bed. She remained devoted to the umbilical cord, when she entered the delivery room she was cut and I was skin-to-skin with my daughter.

Alice was born at 1:20 a.m. Wednesday, April 15, weighing 7lb 2oz, and she and Hannah spent another night in the hospital room before going home on Thursday. The couple would want to thank the wonderful midwives and staff at the University Hospital of Wales’ maternity section, saying, “You honestly have no idea how much your professionalism and kindness are appreciated. I greatly appreciate it.

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