Couple Welcomed A Miracle Baby Boy After 13 Years Of Trying And Suffering 8 Miscarriages

Christmas 2021 will undoubtedly be the finest ever for Carissa Morris, 33, and her husband Dave, 32! since they can now hold their newborn in their arms. On December 17, Oliver, the son, is born. See why it seems like a true Christmas miracle here! The Australian couple from Wickham has been trying to get pregnant for 13 years. The 33-year-old woman must have gone through the unimaginable because she has experienced eight miscarriages and one stillbirth.

We have become pregnant more than once while attempting to have a baby naturally for a long period. But, we miscarried multiple times and were never able to carry the baby past the sixth week. After further testing, we discovered that one of my fallopian tubes was clogged, allowing fluid to leak back into my uterus, essentially poisoning my body. The Australian woman, 33, claimed that shortly after, she had her fallopian tubes removed. As everything seemed to be going smoothly, the couple learned that Dave Morris had fertility issues as well: My husband had fertility issues, and we were told that the cause was the issue. his work.

Evidently, we were unaware of these risks because the heat was impacting his fertility to such an extent. So, for the best possibility of conception, it was suggested that we employ artificial insemination, in which sperm are put directly into the embryo. The happy news is ultimately delivered two weeks later, in April 2021: Carissa is indeed expecting! “Just after holding my baby for the first time, learning I was pregnant was possibly the nicest sensation I’ve ever experienced.” She described the first time Oliver touched her chest as being amazing.

Oliver Morris sees the light of day on December 17th. But he also struggles with some health problems. That’s why he has to stay in the hospital for Christmas. After 13 years with so much bad news, the family is happy to accept it.

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