After His Wife Gives Birth To Three Miraculous Baby Girls, The Super Father Creates His Own Guide To Triplets

When Alex Lewis, 34, of Essex discovered that his wife Charlotte, 32, was expecting three children, he was shocked. The couple has been trying to conceive for three years and has spent £8,000 on IVF in the hope that their goal of becoming parents will come true. Doctors cautioned them that not all of the triplets might survive even though they were expecting triplets. When offered the option, Charlotte and Alex chose not to give up their two kids in favor of the healthier one.

Annabella Rose and Florence Violet, who are identical twins, as well as their younger sister Lottie Bluebell, were born on April 6. Florence Violet weighed 4 pounds, Lottie Bluebell weighed 2 pounds, and Anabella Rose weighed 3 pounds, 5 ounces.

His book, which is presented in a series of photographs, explains the ups and downs of raising triplets while also emphasizing how parents can still have fun. Our lives have changed significantly since having triplets, according to Alex, a father of four children. We have to feed the three and change clothes every four hours. Even though it takes a lot of work, I wouldn’t exchange it for anything. We are aware of our good fortune in having three healthy girls.

I started an Instagram page for our family’s life with the three after they were born, and within a short period of time, I had amassed over 14,000 followers. I wish to give parents of triplets a father’s guide by publishing photos of our family every day,” he continued. Every week, they continue to attempt to drink Costa coffee, visit the beach, go shopping, eat dinner together as a family, and even take the kids to Center Parcs, according to Alex. It’s fantastic to demonstrate to other parents that having several children does not require you to stay at home; rather, you can go out. When they all arrived, I was overpowered, said Alex. Spending weeks caring is worthwhile. We never thought we were so fortunate to have all three. I sold quickly my car to upgrade to a six seater and we made sure they had space.

Charlotte doesn’t have time to accomplish anything during the day because the triplets are so busy. We can switch shifts when I get home from work so that she has some alone time. Future children are not being delayed by Alex and Charlotte; they even have plans to have more. In order to continue chronicling the lives of her triplets, Alex plans to keep posting updates to her social media accounts every day.

I gave a lot of advise to other individuals, and it was quite simple to do, he remarked. Having so many helpful friends and family members who donated gently used clothing or high chairs helped us much with the cost of living. Our weekly grocery spending has increased significantly since having triplets, although not by as much as most people imagine. We spend £50 on milk, £30 on diapers, and an additional £50 each week on Gripe and Colief for the girls who all suffer from colic.

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