7 Ways To Be An Awesome Dad

Being a father can be a wonderful thing, once you get past all the gross stuff, all the stressful events, the loss of privacy, and the bewildering numbers of ways you can screw it up. But other than those few things, fatherhood is wonderful.

Parenthood is a whole career in itself. There are many factors to take into account when it comes to parenting your children properly and getting things done, and fatherhood is a full-time job. This brings us to the big question. What makes a great father? Is there Science to it or will your intuition do the job?

Let us explore eight different ways how you can be an awesome dad:

#1 Their interests are your priority

Whatever step you take in life, make sure that they are your priority. Your enjoyment is not even close to as crucial as ensuring their safety. Make every effort to be the best role model you can be for them. So that you can be there for them whenever they need you, take care of yourself and them at the same time.

#2 Be your childs role model

Whether they realize it or not, fathers are role models to their kids. A girl who spends time with a devoted father learns what qualities to search for in a spouse and grows up understanding she deserves to be treated with respect by boys. Fathers teach boys and girls what is important in life by demonstrating honesty, humility and responsibility.

#3 Coordinate with their mom. Always

Do not argue with their mother in front of them or take their side against her. Never become upset with her in front of them or treat her badly in any manner. Their self-esteem and the way they will treat themselves and women as adults are influenced by how you treat their mother. Be loving, caring, and respectful to their mother. And always work as a team — never contradicting statements of the other.

#4 Show affection

Be openly affectionate with them and with your partner in front of them. Tell them that you love them whenever you feel like it. It fosters great communication between everyone.

#5 Spend as much time with them as you can

How a father spends his time reveals to his child what is important to him. Kids grow up quickly and the time to bond is now. There are plenty of fun ways to spend family time with children.

#6 Cherish some alone time with your partner

Do everything you can to keep the spark alive between you both so that you don’t blame your children later when things don’t work out. Children learn about relationships from their parents. It is important to display a healthy and loving one as much as possible.

#7 Protect them but let them grow

As a dad, one of your main roles is protector. There are many ways you need to do this. Safety is one: child-proof your home, teach them good safety habits, set a good example by using your seatbelt, make sure they use a car seat if below a certain age & weight, etc. But financial protection is also important: have life insurance, car insurance, an emergency fund, a will.

Doing these seven things can establish a wonderful relationship with your children which both of you will treasure. Being a great parent involves being available anytime your children need you as well as having good judgment and acting morally.

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