18-Year-Old Mother Criticized For Her Young Age, But She Defends Teenage Motherhood

Although they don’t intend to be married anytime soon, Kailey and Nathan are presently parents to a two-year-old girl named Avery. They have no regrets about their life and are now residing together as a content family. happiness. Kaily became pregnant when she was 16 years old. Although they had known one other for some time and had just been dating for a few months at the time, Nathan was 18 years old. Kailey waited for the majority of it because she believed that if he told Nathan about it, he would undoubtedly leave. two months before to informing him of her pregnancy. But the youngster is overjoyed and thrilled to learn who his father is.

The young couple at the time resided in Alabama, a small hamlet where young females vanished from view when they unintentionally fell pregnant due to intense prejudice. Kailey was unaware that she was pregnant because her doctor had previously diagnosed her as infertile. As a joke to one of her pals, Kailey took the pregnancy test and found out she was having a kid. She was astounded and promptly performed two further tests to confirm the findings. When she informed her father the news, she was ecstatic because she hadn’t even told him she was dating anyone before, and his father had first been unimpressed with the information. But today he is a proud man grandpa who loves his grandson very much.

Although Kailey dreaded the difficulties she would face during her pregnancy, she knew from the start that she wouldn’t want to leave the child. She finished her study online after leaving school in the sixth month of her pregnancy. Avery was born in March 2020, just as the epidemic put the entire world on high alert. This means that in addition to having to deal with motherhood at a young age, Kailey and Nathan are also denied access to the typical support networks and family visits that might take place outside of lockdown. The first time Kailey’s father, Scott, will get to see his grandson will be in three to four months.

When Kailey was 17 and Nathan was 19, they were engaged in November 2020. Due to Nathan’s job, they are now married and residing in Omaha, Nebraska, with Kailey taking care of Avery and continuing his study. “We rarely encounter hostile responses. We used to be mistaken for babysitters or something by some people. When I’m alone with the baby, I feel like people react the worst, says Kailey, who acknowledges that she was initially stigmatized as a teen mother, but that her opinions have since changed. absolutely different.

In order to assist other teen moms, the young mother also shares her story on Instagram and YouTube, just like she did when watching related videos throughout her pregnancy. I don’t want to ruin it, and I don’t want to promote underage pregnancy, but I simply want to convey the practical aspect, she said. Most of her detractors claim that having a child will ruin her life because she won’t be able to finish her studies; however, Kailey has vehemently denied these claims.

“I think the biggest thing that I refuted is that as a teen mom, you can’t graduate, you can’t go to college, and you can’t have any future. This is not true at all because I graduated at 16, started college at 17 and got a university degree at 20,” the young woman said. Today she is pregnant with her second child and if she comes back she will do everything the same again. She likes her family and is happy too.

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