Woman Gives Birth To Five Kids After Ten Years Of Waiting In Marriage

Cross River mother of quintuplets The first quintuplets to be born at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) in Cross River State occurred when a couple who had been married for ten years without having children gave birth to five children. The five children three girls and two boys who were delivered on Monday between 10:50 and 10:54 a.m. ranged in weight from 1.45kg to 1.75kg.

They are currently in stable condition in the Teaching Hospital’s Special Care Babies Unit. Dr. Linda Ayade, the governor of Cross River State’s wife, who was among those who welcomed the newborn to the new parents for the first time, joyfully announced the donation of one million Naira to help with the family’s necessities.

She praised the new mother for choosing the skilled services of birth attendants, saying, “This is a sign of good tidings in the state and country at large.”

Dr. Ayade handed gifts to the spouses in addition to another 500,000 Naira to the medical professionals who helped the mother deliver the infants safely.

The quintuplets, consisting of three girls and two boys, weighed between 1.45kg and 1.75kg.

Dr. Ekpo Edet, the quintuplets’ joyful father, thanked God for answering his ten-year request because, in his opinion, only God could have made it happen.

“I would like to thank the Most High. He is a trustworthy God. Five at once, for the first time in Cross River State history and the first time in UCTH history. We have just finished the first phase, and the doctors have confirmed that the babies are kicking. God has just been faithful.

“We are starting the second phase, and although I am aware that it won’t be simple, I kindly ask for everyone’s cooperation who is well-intentioned in Nigeria. In this recession, all of my friends and well-wishers are taking care of them,” the parent

As it has been a long wait for the couple, the State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Inyang Asibong, praised the father of the babies for remaining faithful during the entire stress and expectations during the pregnancy.

On behalf of the Cross River State Government, Dr. Ayade and the State Commissioner for Health also gave the hospital a donation of an incubator machine.

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