Woman Gives Birth On Sofa With No Drugs, Nurses, Or Medical Assistance

With the assistance of her husband Paul, Angharad Woolley gave birth to a healthy newborn girl named Esmae in the living room at midnight. The 41-year-old was praised as a “supermodel” by her delighted husband and gave birth to Esmae, who weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz., just over two hours later. At 40 weeks and 4 days past due, Amgrarad is awaiting a call from her neighborhood NHS facility, Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth, Hampshire, to send her in for a prenatal visit.

She insisted though that despite being informed that the maternity ward was full and there was no room for her, they couldn’t get an induction. At 2:37 am, Angharad, a resident of Cowplain, about 5 miles from QA Hospital, began experiencing cramps at home. She was awakened by the thought that she needed to use the restroom. I was afraid, she admitted. There is no introduction for us. To reach 42 weeks, we had to wait another week. We must hold off until she responds spontaneously.

Although they were instructed to go to the hospital after her husband contacted the NHS labor line, by the time Angharad arrived at the car, she could already feel the baby coming. When we got in the car, she said, “I thought the baby was about to be delivered and fell on the concrete outside. I’ll return immediately.

A nurse spoke to Paul’s mother, Judith, who was present during the “rare” home birth, during what is referred to as “an unassisted delivery on arrival.” Paul witnessed the infant Esmae’s head “pop out” while he was speaking with the midwife on the phone. Kind of fell into putting his hand on the pillow,” he remarked. My mother swooped down to try to grasp her and give her to Aggie.

When the ambulance crew arrived 18 minutes later, they ‘couldn’t believe’ that the baby had been delivered, and the midwives at QA Hospital were shocked as well.

Angharad, who has a two-year-old son named Max with her husband, added: “I am very relieved. I just wanted her to go out and breathe because as you get older, you read things about risks. I knew in my head that I had to do what I had to do to get this little human out of afely.”

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