Triplets’ Mother Shares Amazing Before And After Pregnancy Photos

The Fairbanks couple appreciates their “little” family and sees each child as a gift. They are aware that their family will grow. The couple, who currently has two kids, is thrilled to soon welcome a little brother. For both of them, having three children has always been a dream come true.

This pregnancy was different from the others, but the expecting woman did not feel bad about it. Simply put, it’s different, and intuition is never wrong.

In her tenth week of pregnancy, Crystal Fairbanks visited the doctor for a usual check-up, and they suggested doing an ultrasound. The expectant mother views this as a fantastic bonus because it wasn’t anticipated. However, the physicians’ gazes were quickly replaced by my seriousness during the examination.

Oh, he said. Wait, I believe there is no longer a child within or there is a problem. However, all of a sudden, he exclaimed, “Oh my God, I have two heartbeats.” The mother informed the woman, “You are expecting twins.

Fairbanks has between two and four kids. They at least believe that. As the mother’s belly expands, she becomes aware of a number of additional things that she is unaware of. Sure enough, the couple is having triplets.

“I was excessively anxious a few weeks before giving birth, even though I had known for a while that births would be by c-section. I was so focused on keeping the babies healthy and cooking for as long as I could during my pregnancy. There have been numerous concerns concerning the delivery being too early so I’m counting to get to a safer spot every day.

The fear of giving delivery struck once we were in a more secure location with the infants. Amazingly kind and gentle with me is my OB. He booked a delivery on his vacation since he knew he would be there to reassure me and because he knew I was worried.

Everything went off without a hitch. The fact that everyone is so eager to join us there actually eases my anxiety. Nearly 20 individuals are present in the surgery room. For every infant, a team of N.I.C.U. doctors, nurses, and anesthesiologists are there. The anesthesiologist was extremely kind to me the entire time, in my memory. He continued to grip my hand while filling me in on everything. As each child was being examined by the physicians, Evan was pacing back and forth between my side and them.

Eli goes down, followed by Easton who was born in sac, and Jade born first! Evan has the whole thing on video and that’s the best part. We’ve decided to save it just for us for now but we’re sharing a little snippet of it here!

My recovery was really tough because my abdomen was so stretched that it would cover my incision, making it take longer for the incision to close and heal completely. I had to lift it with both hands to see the first month PP incision. Now it is finally fully healed!

Looking back, I wish I wasn’t so nervous about this moment because it was so special. I wish I could relive it again!

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