Things You Don’t Know Until You Have A Baby

There is no burst of happiness like the happiness of welcoming the arrival of my beloved, whom I cherished and looked forward to for 9 months and 10 days. At that time, parents will imagine things later, about the first time holding the child in their arms, the first time patting and caring. And there are many, many more firsts for parents. But no one told them about all the other aspects of parenting a newborn baby. The difficulties do not stop with you being pregnant, they continue until your baby grows up. And it just keeps growing and happening over time. So getting used to taking care of a newborn is a very necessary thing. Here are a few things you need to know when you have a new baby:

1.Baby’s sleep

There are no specific rules for children’s sleep, everything is a natural reflex of each person. If most babies are the same, taking care of them is pretty straightforward, not worth mentioning. Babies often have different sleep patterns, some children have 3 hours, 4 hours and even 5 hours a time. And this does not specify the day or the night, because the children have not yet distinguished the time. Therefore, parents need to try to adapt to their children’s hours, to ensure their health and take care of their children.

2.Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep means your health will also weaken. Any experienced parent will tell you that once your baby is born, sleep will be a luxury for a while. During the first few months, while someone is taking care of you, try to fight for the time when your baby sleeps to rest. As your baby will probably wake up at random hours.


Breastfeeding is also a skill, if breastfeeding improperly will cause the baby to choke and have gas, due to inhaling a lot of air into the abdomen and too little milk. But that does not mean that mothers do not breastfeed, and instead formula milk. Breastfeeding is great for your baby’s health, especially during the first few months. You should ask your mother and grandmother, or friends who have breastfed, for do’s and don’ts.

4.Don’t compare

Every baby has a different development, each stage of development has meaning for parents. However, you should not compare your baby with the milestones of other babies. For example, compare weight, eating, and sleep. Because each baby’s body is different, it cannot be compared. The comparison inadvertently puts pressure on oneself, has a negative effect on health and affects the care of children.

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