She Gave Birth To Two Sets Of Twins In A Row Even Though She Was On The Pill

A single mother said it was a “miracle” that she had two sets of twins in a row by age 21 — despite being on birth control. Now 22, Kaitlin Brooks remembers being ecstatic to learn she was expecting twins in March 2019. Following her sons’ — Denver and Dayton — first birthday, she received news that she was pregnant with twins a second time, even though she was taking a birth control pill.

At age 21, I gave birth to two sets of twins. According to Brooks, from Arkansas, who gave birth to both of her children at ages 19 and 21, she releases two eggs rather than one during ovulation. The doctor informed me that since I always release two eggs, every pregnancy will result in twins.

The “fortunate” mother of four has considered having her fallopian tubes tied in the future after learning that birth control was to blame for her problems. She hopes to become an advocate for women who are unable to have children of their own in the interim. She stated, that though four kids would be sufficient, “I feel like what occurred is a miracle because for the longest time I didn’t think I could get pregnant.”

In November 2020, when her first twins were just one year old, she discovered she was pregnant again. “It was a surprise again and another shock for me,” she said.

At three weeks, I discovered I was pregnant; at six weeks, I discovered I was carrying twins. Even Brooks’ mother thought she was kidding about getting Pierce and Piper, another set of twins, as a result of birth control. It’s funny because my mom thinks I’m lying to her about having twins again. While I was using birth control.

Her “miracle” offspring, however, are not without issues. Brooks experienced postpartum hypertension when she gave birth to “crazy child” Denver and “shy baby” Dayton. She spent a week in the hospital as a result.

While she doesn’t intend to have a tubal ligation at such a young age, she is considering becoming a surrogate because “there are so many moms out there who can’t get pregnant on their own.” To help those less fortunate than themselves have a family as they desire. Even so, she plans to wait until her baby is a little older.

People were shocked when I told them I had twins because I was 22 years old,” Brooks said. “A lot of people are shocked and they say, ‘I don’t understand how you do it?’ And I say, ‘I really don’t have a choice, you know, this is my life.’

We are happy with what we have, and will try to help as many families in need as we can.

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