Rare Moment Baby Born Still Inside His Amniotic Sac Caught On Camera

THESE incredible photos show the moment a baby boy was born still INSIDE his amniotic sac.

Baby Noah Valasco was born ‘en-caul’, meaning the amniotic sac protecting him within his mother’s womb had failed to burst during labour.

The amniotic sac is filled with fluid that cushions the baby in the womb, and helps the lungs, digestive system and musculoskeletal system develop. During labour the sac should burst and drain out of 𝑚𝑢𝑚’𝑠 𝑣𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎 – it’s what’s known as your waters breaking.

Approximately one in 100,000 babies result in this kind of entrance into the world. An en-caul birth is viewed as a lucky sign in many cultures.

Photographer Jana Brasil captured the unique moment when the mother gave birth to baby Noah at Praia da Costa Hospital in the Brazilian city of Vila Velha. Baby Noah can be seen still inside the amniotic sac after he is born.

His whole body was still engulfed by the sac, making him look like a little alien.

Mum Monyck, 34, said: “People all around the world are re-posting the photos and looking for us.

“I saw him being born. They lowered the screen so I could see. I cried a lot. It’s an emotion that has no size.”

In that time, Jana has seen many, many babies take their first breaths. However, Noah was still able to surprise her with his expressive little face:

“It’s indescribable to register that moment. Last year I took photos of babies in the sacs but nothing like the photo of Noah, it surprised me.

“I thought I had been through all the emotions, but he pulled a face and did a little pout.”

Young Noah was forced to be released from his bubble by doctors manually popping the sac. En-caul births are reportedly safe for mother and child, despite their rare.

Gynaecologist Rafael Angelo Baggieri said: “An en-caul birth occurs when the baby is born without breaking the amniotic sac, in other words, within a little house which shelters it during gestation.”

According to Dr. Baggieri, the unique births only happen per 80,000 to 90,000 pregnancies and do not endanger the mother or the child.

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