Pregnant Mother With Big Stomach ‘Terrible’ Makes People Think She’s Having Many Children, But Actually There’s Only One

On June 11th, Eliana Rodriguez, 29, of Las Vegas, Nevada, gave birth to Sebastian, a son, via emergency C-section at Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center.

Despite giving birth to only one, her belly is very large, people look at her and think that she is carrying more than one baby. She showed off her bare belly on Instagram while sharing some of the things strangers have said about the size of her bump.

There were many people leaving comments after what she shared on social networks:

‘You look like you’re twins’

‘Have you checked to see if there’s another baby in there?’

“It’s annoying, isn’t it?”

‘Like this unless there are twins’

‘Who can lift their baby like that’

‘I’ve never seen a belly like that that doesn’t even look real.’

In contrast to some Instagram users’ predictions, her son’s actual birth weight and length were only 8 pounds, 3 ounces and 20.5 inches, respectively.

All that care comes from mothers who have given birth. And they know those hardships, and give them special attention. Another added: ‘I’ve grown like that with all my kids’.

And the baby was born safe and healthy. In a more recent post, the mother-of-two shared a video of herself lifting her pregnant belly, saying her son weighed 10kg when he was born.

Everyone is surprised with that weight, because it is the weight of babies 1 year old or maybe more. Everyone also did not forget to congratulate her mother and child, on successfully giving birth, and the baby has such a large weight.

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