Photographer Captures Father Moved At The Birth Of His Son. But Then He Says, “That’s Not Why I Was Crying”

This is the account of a couple that hired photographer Kirstie Perez to document the birth after a particularly challenging pregnancy. Kirstie captured the birth of the child in stunning photographs, one of which shows the father sobbing. But, when questioned about the alleged vision, this man said that childbirth was the reason he did not cry.

He saw the woman repeatedly vomit for more than 285 days and felt helpless. He saw her drop 30 kg while pregnant as a result of her pre-eclampsia and hyperemesis gravidarum, which prevented her from feeding herself. Due to dehydration, the mother had to be hospitalized four times while pregnant. Because any fragrance could annoy his wife, the man always consumes his rice on the sidewalk in front of the door. He made care to support her during the birthing process, as the images show, after spending months just being with her.

When the photographer told him about the photo where he seemed to be crying when he saw his son, he emotionally replied: “That’s not why I’m crying; That’s because it’s the first time I’ve seen her smile in 10 months.”

”Gentlemen, please realize how powerful empathy can be. Dedicated to all the mothers who went through a traumatic pregnancy and were able to smile despite everything… Thank you so much for sacrificing yourself and bringing that precious baby into the world. This is not easy to achieve!”

A true example of friendship for his wife, who went through a painful pregnancy. And the wife’s great sacrifice, to sympathize and love them more. Because they deserve it.

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