Mum Of Quadruplets Describes ‘Chaotic’ Life With 40 Nappies A Day And 3am Alarm

Santina Monreal, 37, and her husband Adrian, 37, welcomed four children via IUI in January of this year. Sebastian, Aiden, Sevilla, and Aria are the names of the two boys and the two girls he gave birth to. They have respective weights of 2lbs 15oz, 2lbs 13oz, 1bs 10z, and 3lbs 3oz.

Since then, the couple has had to adjust to managing feeding, waking, and cuddling as a family of six. The busy mother begins her day at 3 a.m., when she pumps milk to nurse her child before going to bed, and doesn’t get out of bed until 6 a.m., when she feeds her child and gets ready for work.

Fortunately, her husband Adrian took care of feeding them all day long till she came back at 7 o’clock with another breast. Initially, I fed them every three hours, according to Santina, a property manager from Corona, California, in the United States.

It was demanding. They had to use roughly 40 diapers and 32 milk bottles per day. We’re now down to 20 bottles per day, which is still a lot. The dream of having four lovely children has come true, despite the busy and exhausting home life. Spend £108 a week on five large cans of formula, which last a week and a half but require at least four weekly washings to keep the bibs clean.

As the kids become older, they also learn that it costs a lot of money to buy new clothes for them. We have so many bibs that we have to change them every time. I recently bought them new jammies. boys, and they now appear to be wearing them with great comfort,” remarked Santina. “I just bought a set of pajamas worth £145 and they last for a week,” insurance broker Adrian remarked.

In spite of their prosperous lifestyle now, the couple couldn’t be happier because they desperately wanted children and spent £11,000 on six IUIs before giving birth to four of them. Santina miscarried their natural pregnancy in September 2017 after learning she had a kind of uterine septum ‘heart-shaped uterus’ that can make the condition worse. Miscarriages are more common.

Doctors then removed her septum to correct her shape, but the couple were having trouble conceiving naturally again so turned to a fertility consultant for help. .

Their second attempt was successful, but they lost the baby again and after five failed attempts, they decided to give it one last try and were overjoyed to find out they were pregnant in July 2020 and even surprised.

It’s more natural to know that I will have quadruplets. in August 2020. After a stressful pregnancy, Santina gave birth to two boys and two girls on January 20, 2021. Fortunately, after two months at Saddleback Memorial Hospital, California, USA Ky, all the babies have gone home and are now six months old and growing healthy.

Santina and Adrian almost gave up hope of having a baby when they decided to try IVF for the sixth time. We decided to give it a last try. I took a pregnancy test and it was positive and I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t even call the fertility clinic because I didn’t really believe it was true. At 5 weeks, Santina had an ultrasound and confirmed her pregnancy.

After seven weeks, they come back for another check – to hear the baby’s heartbeat. But the sonographer suddenly said: ‘Oh, there are three’. I started laughing. Then she was checking the heart rate and found a fourth heartbeat. At 28 weeks, Santina was admitted to the hospital when one of her children had intermittent fetal reversal. Santina managed to keep it up to 31 weeks.

The doctor came in that morning and just said we would have to deliver them because one of the babies had a decreased heart rate. Aria is the talkative kid, Sebastian is the funniest and most carefree one, Savilla is our sweetest and easiest kid, and Aiden has a flirty personality – he’s going to be a jerk fierce. I will never forget the births – seeing them healthy and crying was such a relief. I’m glad we have a family now, it can be chaotic but it’s our family.


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