Meet The Miracle Sextuplets Born 10 Weeks Forming The Most Beautiful Rainbow

Six tiny bundles, forming the most beautiful rainbow. Born more than 10 weeks early, the fraternal siblings have just arrived home – and their first photo shoot is breathtaking.

Eric and Courtney Waldrop have been sweethearts since school, and always wished for a big family. They had no idea it would grow to be as large as it did. Prior to taking reproductive procedures to conceive their twins Wales and Bridge in 2012, the Alabama couple had their first son Saylor in 2008.

After suffering a miscarriage Courtney finally became pregnant – with not one, but six babies. They had been told by doctors the chance of having another multiple pregnancy was low. But once they heard the heartbeats they say they knew everything would work out.

The Waldrops were also informed about a surgery called multifetal pregnancy reduction, which would lessen the number of fetuses in the womb and enhance the likelihood that they would survive, but they opted against it.

“We are strong in our faith, but you never know how you’re going to feel when you’re actually in those shoes,” she says. “When we let it go and turned it all over to [God], those fears—though we know the risks are still there—were lifted from us.”

Ultimately, of course, they couldn’t have been happier to welcome six healthy babies. The three girls and three boys were born on December 11, 2017, the family naming their new additions: Blu, Layke, Rawlings, Rayne, Tag and Rivers.

“It’s an amazingly joyful feeling to have all six babies at home with us. Our lives have been forever changed,” the couple said.

“We are blessed beyond words and so excited to get life started with these sweet little miracles from above.”

After several weeks in hospital, the sextuplets were allowed home just a couple of days ago, and to celebrate they had their photos taken.

Photographer Ashley Sargent said, “It takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow. When told you are expecting six children, can you fathom the anxiety and tension you would feel as a mother? Mixed with great happiness at the knowledge that life is developing inside of you.”

“Six miracles were born … yes, I said miracles. Because the odds were against them … the odds of all of six babies at one time … the odds of the babies surviving at all … the odds of two parents accepting them all and choosing life regardless of the surprising news … you babies are miracles. There is a tremendous purpose for your life. You will shake the world. Because after every storm … there is a rainbow.”

What a beautiful family – congratulations to the Waldrops on their six new little loves.

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