Joy Of Woman Told She May Never Have Children After She Gives Birth To Identical Triplets Conceived Naturally

Donna Carter was devastated to learn that she might never have children. When she was diagnosed with infertility in her 20s, she thought her dream of being a mother was over. But after ten years, she has three identical triplets who were born naturally at a 200 million to 1 ratio. A month early, Adam, Miles, and Damian arrived seven weeks ago. are correspondingly 4lb 9oz, 4lb 8oz, and 4lb 5oz.

They have thrived ever since and now each weigh 7 lbs. Today, Miss Carter spoke of her happiness at unexpectedly becoming a mother to three children. It surprised me. The physicians told me that I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, similar to winning the lottery, and that I can now use that potential to generate money. Carter was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome at the age of 24, a disorder in which fluid-filled sacs develop on the ovaries and affect fertility. Ms. Carter has lived overseas for four years and now resides in Egypt with her police partner Mahmood. When she learned she was pregnant, she was back in the UK seeking for employment.

She said: ‘I said at 24 that I couldn’t have children and now I’m lucky to have three at 34. When I came back I found out I was pregnant – and at week five I was informed that there were three heartbeats.’

She was transferred to Queen’s Medical Center in Nottingham, where she was scanned every two weeks. At 32 weeks pregnant, Ms Carter fell ill and was diagnosed with preeclampsia – a condition in which women develop high blood pressure during the second half of pregnancy.

As it can lead to serious complications for both mother and baby if left untreated, she was admitted to the hospital. Due to her illness, Ms Carter was left in a coma for 15 hours and the three triplets were delivered by caesarean section.

She said: ‘I’m huge – I inflated like a balloon. A week later and the boys decided to be born.’

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