Interesting Facts About Baby Kicks During Pregnancy

Hi mommy, your little one is here to talk to you. You must have lately experienced my kick, and now you need some clarification on a few things. Well, who will answer your curious questions better than me? Knowing these fascinating facts will double your joy of feeling your baby’s kicks.

You feel sleepy, I feel active

Dear mommy, I know you are sleepy, but I can’t help kicking as I am mostly rejuvenated during night time. Do my kicks make you lose your sleep? Well, I just want to let you know I’m here when you’re sleeping. I kicked as well in the morning, but you didn’t hear me because you were preoccupied with housework. Your downtime is my opportunity to play.

Why do I kick, mommy?

Do you ever wonder why I kick mommy? Do you remember I kicked you when you were at a crowded place and were getting a little uncomfortable? I react to the outside stimulation.

Babies kick in response to some changes in the surrounding environment. Any external stimuli such as the food you eat or different noises can make the baby move or kick.

Mommy, I need to relax too!

Dear mommy, I need to stretch and move as I want to release the rigidness from my tiny body that is caught up inside your small womb. Although I love this small home of mine, sometimes being in the same position for long makes me feel stiff.

I love it when you do physical activities

Do you remember mother, when you participated in the relaxation exercises, I felt so fresh inside your womb. Every area of your body feels pleased and refreshed when you let go of your stress, which has a great overall influence on your body. I want to use my kicks to share my happiness with you because I am a part of your amazing body.

Don’t worry, I am nine weeks old, mother

I celebrated my nine-week-journey by kicking my mother. My mother loves my kicks, right mommy?

A feeling of flutter in the abdomen during the early stages of pregnancy is an indication of baby movements. The first time a pregnant woman feels the motions is around the seventh week of her pregnancy. Babies typically begin kicking after sixteen weeks of pregnancy as they begin to move their limbs. During an ultrasound scan, the early kicks can be seen. After 24 weeks of gestation, you can feel the baby’s kicks and hiccups quite often.

Your diet affects my kicking patterns, mummy

The food that the mother eats during pregnancy introduces the baby to various flavors through the amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby inside the womb. These flavors can make the baby move if they like or dislike them

Do you know about my other moves, mommy?

My skill set does not only include kicking, slowly and steadily, I am becoming a pro at jabbing, punching and elbowing. In the beginning, all I do is flutter and roll around, giving the impression that I’m falling. However, after I reach the third trimester, I’ll gain weight and strength, and my motions will begin to ache your ribs.

Do you count my kicks?

Did the doctor uncle told you to count my kicks? Well, he surely wants you to keep a track of my movements to make sure that I am developing in a healthy manner in your womb. Do you also want to take a tiny piece of suggestion from your little one? Keep note of when I move the most and for how long, in addition to tracking my kicks. You won’t need to be concerned if I move once every two hours. If I don’t, someone should call my uncle who is a doctor.

I kick sooner, as I am your second child!

Do not wonder if I start to kick sooner than my elder sibling did. Your body has been accustomed to the time it took for you to become pregnant with me, and it is now prepared to receive each of my delicate movements with great grace. Or maybe it is because I am angry with you for not having me first!

Now I won’t kick, I am a big guy!

Well not literally, but big enough to cover an entire space in your womb and find almost no space to move. I can’t roll or punch, and I’m quite bored right now. But no worries; I want to see you soon so that I can wiggle around in your arms as much as I wish.

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