Incredible Moment: Mom Gives Birth to 10lb Baby in Car

Lesia and John Pettijohn thought they had time to spare before their baby was born. Lesia went into labor and gave birth to their first baby, Josiah, 45 minutes into their travel to the Bay Area Birth Center in Texas. The footage was filmed using a GoPro camera.

“The only reason I would pull over is if there is something wrong that needed to be dealt with immediately,” Jonathan told KHOU.

Wife Lesia added, “I was probably freaking out way more than I should have. But I really didn’t want to have him in the car. I was scared. I didn’t know if he’d be breathing OK or if he would need anything else.”

After announcing “it’s coming out,” her husband, still filming, helps her unbuckle her seatbelt and get her pants down (this is where we kind of thought, hmmm, what?). He also continues to drive. There are many moving elements to this very dramatic scene.

Then you hear her scream repeatedly. “Oh my my, it’s coming out,” you hear, and then you hear the baby cry as she picks up her new baby boy.

Josiah was born weighing roughly 10 pounds and is the couple’s third child. Jonathan, a machinist, claims he didn’t stop over because his wife told him to keep driving and they didn’t have a working cellphone.

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