First Time Mother Discovers She Is Having Twins Minutes After Giving Birth To Her Newborn Daughter During A 47 Hour Labor

Only when physicians realized Nicole Ziesemer, 31, and Matthew Ziesemer, 34, of Grand Haven, Michigan, were introduced to their daughter Blakeley. Nicole Ziesemer astonished everyone in the labor room by giving birth to her second child after a very long and difficult labor. When doctors stitched her after delivery, they found “another head,” and baby Cade was delivered 59 minutes later.

Nicole, a young woman from Grand Haven, Michigan, made the decision to have a natural pregnancy without an ultrasound so that she would be unaware that she was carrying twins. By choosing to have a natural pregnancy, Nicole and Mathew avoided ultrasounds, scans, and even a planned home delivery that was cancelled when Nicole went into labor earlier than anticipated. During her pregnancy, Nicole experienced terrible morning sickness and made the decision to stop taking painkillers in favor of breathing techniques, yoga, and cool baths. Except for the scan on the day she went into delivery, she underwent none during her whole pregnancy.

Nicole had intended to give birth at home naturally with just a midwife there, but when her water broke at just 36 weeks gestation, she had to go to the closest hospital, Gerber Memorial in Michigan. The expecting mother requested an epidural after more than 45 hours of labor, and it was used together with a suction equipment to deliver her daughter, who weighed 4 pounds 4 ounces, at 10:06 pm on December 30, 2017. The couple Nicole and Matthew Ziesemer are eager to become parents for the first time and are getting ready for the arrival of a new child, the gender of whom they do not yet know. However, they experienced a further shock when Nicole, 31, was still in labor when physicians stitched her up for postpartum care.

The fact that Nicole is still experiencing agony after giving birth worries doctors more and more. Nicole’s vagina was about to be stitched up when they noticed there was another baby within. They immediately requested an urgent ultrasound to confirm their hypothesis. Five pounds and 59 minutes later, Nicole gave birth to a boy. Although the parents and the midwives experienced an emotional roller coaster during the entire delivering process, the babies were born healthily. Really. There is no indication that I am carrying more than one child; in fact, people comment on how petite I am. I asked her if she was lying when they informed us that there was another child, and we were stunned.

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