Couple Share Moment Baby’s Birth Was Caught On Dashcam As She’s Delivered In Hospital Car Park

When the young girl arrived in her father’s vehicle, she was startled by the birth of a baby, which was recorded on the dash cam. Kara Lee began to experience cramps, but since she already had three children, she wasn’t too worried. However, the 28-year-old went to Nottingham City Hospital with her spouse Stewart as the contractions intensified. Kara had to give birth in the parking lot because the couple was unable to access the maternity ward, according to Nottinghamshire Live.

A stay-at-home mother named Ms. Lee stated: “We attended one of my sons’ kindergarten graduations. Although I currently have pains, they are far away. fairly far apart I anticipate giving birth within an hour of arriving at the nursery because everything occurred so quickly. As soon as we get home from the commencement, I start to get cramps every five minutes, which is when I knew she was coming. My water broke when I got in the vehicle, and when we pulled into the parking lot, I was unable to move because her head was protruding. Their daughter Kaitlyn was born at 3:07 PM, weighing 8 lbs. 4 oz. Everything occurred so quickly.

Mr. Lee, an electrician, said: ‘She had contractions half an hour apart and you were told not to go to the hospital until they were five to 10 minutes apart but it happened so quickly. If we were a little slower, I really think I would have given birth on the street. We are so lucky to live close to the hospital. That could be a completely different story.

Kara is amazing. She was very calm and kept working. The staff are also very helpful. We are very grateful. The couple, who have three sons aged 10, 6 and 4, wanted to thank the team of midwives who met them in the parking lot and helped them deliver. Helped us to welcome the little angel in the most peaceful way.

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