Beautiful Images Of The Birth Process Of Mother And Three Twins

I found out I was pregnant in January 2018. After four years of marriage, my husband and I decided it was time to create a family. The impending upheaval in our way of life made us both anxious and delighted. We had no idea that we were about to receive the most shocking news we had ever heard. When I was almost 8 weeks pregnant in February 2018, my Doctor requested that I come in for my first ultrasound. As soon as the professional began scanning my abdomen, we audibly heard a heartbeat! Hearing that felt unreal at the time. She stayed very silent as she continued to examine my stomach. I have no idea what to anticipate from an ultrasound, but I find it to be an odd procedure.

I jokingly questioned: “There are twins there, right? She looked over at me and smiled. She glanced at me and said, “I don’t want to worry you but I think there could be three. She did an internal ultrasound to get a better picture of what she thought was baby number three. Sure enough, a third heartbeat was there. The technician looked at me to make sure I was completely miserable. She could see the tears filling my eyes. I’m going to get the doctor. I’m sure you have a lot of questions.

I discovered that I had a placenta and that baby C had IUGR during my second trimester. limit on intrauterine growth. At 21 weeks, baby C (an identical twin) was two weeks behind baby A & B. It appears likely that we will offer it before 28 weeks after speaking with a high-risk physician. He helped me get ready to consider my options. Are we at risk of having all three children very prematurely if baby C’s cord flow weakens and we deliver early? Conversely, if it stops developing and doesn’t do it, do we save kids A and B to keep them around longer? These are some important ideas. I won’t ever allow anything to happen to my infant C. He keeps expanding each week. Every ultrasound appointment has a hole in my stomach. I just pray that he still has a heartbeat. He grows and grows a few ounces a week.

By week 31, I was worn out. After a very long thirty minutes, I was enthralled. My OB visited me. You must be delivered to us tomorrow. In the previous 30 minutes, Baby C’s heart rate decreased to 90 times per minute. C, my infant, is still under 2 pounds. And they have the tools necessary to care for him. You must be moved to a bigger hospital with an LLL NICU level. In the morning, you will enter your C section. They have a fantastic group of doctors that will deliver your baby, so everything will be alright. I was transported in an ambulance to the nearby hospital that was thirty minutes away. To begin my magnesium IV, they had to push my c section in the afternoon. and I had enough time for it to take effect. Magnesium is used to protect an infant’s brain during premature birth. I’m not sure how to describe another bolace of magnesium that feels like a slow painful death. I was sweaty and uncomfortable. I couldn’t drink anything and my mouth was very dry. I tried to sleep but I was very scared of surgery and uncomfortable from IV.

I remember my surgeon coming in to check on me at 7 a.m. and saying, 1 p.m. We’re scheduled to drop you off for your C-section. Then it’s very real. There must be at least 30 people in the room. Each baby has its own doctor and three nurses. There was too much noise and saying I couldn’t hear the baby’s tiny cry I showed up first. She was taken to the nurses to clean up and put her on the team to be taken to the NICU. She is 3 lbs 10 oz., 17 inches long. Baby B appeared next and I could also hear her little cry. She is 2 lbs 9 oz., 15 inches long. They brought her to me for a quick kiss before she was taken to the NICU. I could feel a little tug and movement as they were maneuvering baby C out, who was already in my ribs. Finally, I heard his small cry. He is a tiny and fragile 1 lb 13 oz., 13.5 inches long.

There is a genuine sense of relief. That is the time I had been looking forward to. All three of the newborns have been delivered and are doing well. We are prepared to care for and support our baby throughout their time in the NICU despite the fact that we are aware of the long road ahead. Everything we prayed for and planned for has now materialized. My top three presents. Although it has been a challenging path, we are incredibly grateful for these three priceless kids.

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