Strange But Normal Things About Babies We Often See

You might not have anticipated your kid to be quite so… strange, but you did anticipate him to be cute, little, and lovely. In fact, some new parents might be surprised when they see their kid for the first time because they are gooey and filthy from the moment they are born. This is a far cry from the joyful, chatting newborns we’re used to seeing. On the other side, there is no reason to be anxious about a newborn’s appearance or behavior. You don’t know what is deemed normal, thus that is the fundamental dilemma. So, in order to help you, the following list of peculiar yet entirely usual traits of newborns.

The Hairy Body

Your baby’s body will be covered in hair. This is referred to as lanugo. This is very typical in infants and will pass on its own. These are the hairs, which grow on the back, arms and legs of the baby. It will feel like making babies itch, but it will fall off after a while of bathing.

Are The Eyes Crossed?

Newborns open their eyes shortly after birth. They can see, but they don’t know how to focus effectively. That’s why their eyes may appear to be crossed. Because the outside environment will be different from in the womb, it only takes 2 to 3 months for babies to be normal again.

Dry, Flaky Skin

Soon after delivery, your baby’s skin will begin to peel. This is due to the fact that a newborn’s skin is dry after spending 9 months in the amniotic fluid. It’s a natural part of the aging process. Keep the infant hydrated, limit cold air exposure, and moisturize with a light lotion, and the skin will return to normal in no time.

Those Early Pimples

Babies frequently get acne on their neck, upper back, and face. This is brought on by the infant’s exposure to maternal hormones. Usually, this resolves itself. If the issue continues six weeks after birth, speak with a pediatric dermatologist.


It’s normal to not be surprised if your baby starts to have hiccups. While the precise reason for this is unknown, it is generally accepted that it helps the newborn’s body expel gas. assists kids in avoiding uncomfortable gas

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