9 Gross Pregnancy Secrets No One Talks About (But Should!)

When you’re pregnant, all people talk about is the positives and happy moments of giving birth to a baby. People congratulate you on your beautiful pregnancy glow, your cute baby belly, and how much they think you’ll enjoy becoming a mother.

All of this makes pregnancy sound like an enjoyable experience, right? Unfortunately, there are quite a few pregnancy secrets that are gross and almost unimaginable. Do you wonder why these tiny nasty truths haven’t been revealed to you? Perhaps you wouldn’t be as eager to become pregnant if you knew the reality, but parenthood is regarded as one of life’s greatest joys.

So, be prepared for these 9 disgusting, yet amusing points!

Blood And Slime: After giving birth, you’re usually allowed to hold your baby, but no one tells you how gross it actually is. That adorable human being will be covered in blood, slime, and a gooey substance until it gets cleaned.

Blood Clots: This already sounds awful. A few days after giving birth, blood clots must be removed from the body since they are the unsavory leftovers. These clots are not little, which makes the situation uncomfortable and a bit terrifying.

Bloating, gas and burps: If you suddenly find yourself burping like a champion, bloating indiscriminately and passing gas regularly, it’s normal, and it happens because your body is producing a higher percentage of progesterone. This hormone causes smooth muscle tissue in your body to relax, which causes your digestive system to become more relaxed and cause flatulence and burping.

Your digestive system is likewise calm while your body is in this state. Indigestion is frequently present together with flatulence, which is typically more common in the afternoons and evenings.

Bathroom Secrets: While giving birth, the pressure and pushing can result in you going to the toilet DURING delivery. Sadly, using the restroom after giving birth is the worst part. It’s a really unpleasant event; you can bleed, burn, or need to have your stitches redone.

Placenta Facts: As if giving birth to a baby isn’t enough, you also have to deliver the placenta. Either someone manually takes it out with his or her hand (ouch), or they push down on your stomach HARD so the pressure allows the placenta to come out. Again, ouch. Both methods are extremely painful, especially because you will be sore to begin with.

Not Just Morning Sickness: The famous morning sickness may become all day long sickness. You may be vomiting everywhere, which leaves you exhausted and dehydrated. Thinking about that delicious pizza you had a few hours ago? It can make a violent appearance instantly. Apart from that, you get backaches, heartburn, groin pains, and numbness.

Drool And Sweat Galore: You will drool, and not just when you are asleep. The massive amounts of saliva will want to escape from your mouth. Drink lots of water and chew some sugar-free gum. It helps a little bit. And the drooling is uncontrollable while you’re asleep. I’m not referring to a small amount of drool that can be cleaned up. I refer to puddles that seep into your pillowcase. I recall waking up with drool streaming down my neck because my drooling got so terrible.

Adding to that, you will sweat all the time, leaving stains all over your clothes and bed sheets.

Painful Acne: As we all know, during your pregnancy period, your hormones are all over the place. You may not be aware of this, but acne can become severe and painful. It was like a third eye in size. Fortunately, I hadn’t had a zit since college, but after this nasty one dried up, another one appeared. Thankfully these breakouts only lasted through my first trimester!

Heightened Sense Of Smell: Pregnant women may have superpower noses. You will be able to smell EVERYTHING, including what others around you have eaten based on their breath. Not only that, but you might think you stink terrible, which will make you avoid certain foods because they will smell revoltingly foul. For the remainder of your pregnancy, you might even wish to avoid eating such things. Additionally, you’ll get numerous nosebleeds and perhaps even persistent bleeding.

These 9 secrets paint a not-so-nice picture of pregnancy, but remember that each woman may have different experiences. However, if you do experience any of the above points, you’ll know that it’s quite normal.

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