8 Happy Thoughts To Have During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be overwhelming, and if you’re struggling to feel your happiest, you’re certainly not alone. You’re also not alone if you find pregnancy to be a happy time! There are plenty of women who enjoy this time in their life.

It’s common to feel a variety of emotions while pregnant. Being pregnant is undoubtedly not always easy, but it doesn’t mean that it has to be a bad time either.

Pregnancy can make any woman’s self-esteem take a blow with the physical and emotional challenges it comes with. So having these happy thoughts by your side can help you get through pregnancy with much more happiness and laughter:

‘You Are Beautiful’

It could be your laugh, your smile, your eyes, your eyebrows, or your hair. Think of one thing which you like most about yourself. That one feature can help you feel good when you doubt yourself. ‘You are beautiful’ – it is such a simple thing to remind ourselves yet so hard for us to believe at times. Sometimes, when you look in the mirror, the first thing that comes to mind is, “I don’t look good.” And because we begin the day with such a pessimistic outlook, we inevitably have a horrible day. So, let’s get the day going in a good way.

‘You’re Grateful For…’

Having a family, a loving husband, a baby on the way, your job. There could be a lot of things you could be grateful for in life. You can also feel appreciative for your strong network of pals or the assurance that you have your back. One trait that will make you feel good and joyful is gratitude.

‘You Can Do It’

Get rid of all your thoughts about self-doubt by constantly reminding yourself that you can do it. Just believe in yourself; you’re going to make a wonderful mother. If you are confident in your mothering duties, you will be better equipped to handle the problems.

‘Your Body Is Perfect Just The Way It Is’

Be it your flabby belly, your cellulite legs, your fat ankles or your not-so-perfect thighs, who is to say what’s perfect and what’s not? Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Additionally, the ideal body type has always changed over time. There will also be occasions when you worry about how you appear because pregnancy is a time when your body is continuously changing and your tummy is expanding quickly.

‘You Will Have A Family Of Your Own’

When you are experiencing pregnancy blues, keep the big picture in mind. Remind yourself of the initial motivation for your actions. Soon you’ll have a young child playing around, kissing you goodbye, and searching for you when you disappear.

‘You Can Eat Whatever You Want’

Satiate all your cravings during this joyful time. But keep in mind that just because you’re pregnant, you don’t have to eat for two.

‘Let Me Enjoy All The Attention’

Remember your wedding day when all eyes were on you, and you were the center of attention? Didn’t that feel great even if it was for a fleeting moment? Now imagine feeling that way for the whole 9 months. Enough said!

‘All Is Fair When You Are Pregnant’

You can scream at the top of your lungs and throw tantrums, and still, your partner would come running to you when you break down in the middle of the room. Probably a few seconds after that. You become a mix of emotions throughout pregnancy. You can think that your hormones are cruelly making fun of you. Yet it has advantages. It also makes you realize how much your partner loves you even when you act like a complete jerk.

Pregnancy can be an overwhelming experience for every mom out there. We hope having these happy thoughts by your side will help you have a happy pregnancy.

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