7 Things You Had No Idea Babies Learn In The Womb

Recent research has delved into the notion that unborn babies concentrate on more than simply getting bigger and developing organs during gestation. More than we realize, they are doing and thinking, and it is interesting to understand exactly what is happening inside when you feel every kick, jab, and hiccup.

And, guess what? These angels do learn quite a few things when they are inside your womb. Babies learn so much more than just how to use their limbs to jab your ribs while still inside the womb. Your infant is growing, honing their senses, and absorbing as much information as they can about their surroundings. From learning words, to recognizing voices and language, and remembering songs, their development is so much keener in utero than we first realized.

After all, they have to be prepared for the big world out there. Here, we bring you some of the things that babies learn while they are still inside you:

  1. Breathing Practice

While your fetus does not actually “breathe” in the womb, her body is learning to take her first breath. During pregnancy, it is the mother who breathes for both her as well as her child and transmits it via the oxygen-rich blood. The umbilical cord and placenta help with the intake of oxygen and expulsion of carbon dioxide between the two. Though the lungs may be fully developed by the end of 36 weeks, the fetus still doesn’t actually “breathe” until their birth. The infants breathe in the surrounding amniotic fluid as they practice breathing. Also typical is the fluid-filled state of their lungs.

  1. Hear The Sound

Generally, by the 20th week of pregnancy, the outer, inner, and the middle part of the babies’ ears are completely developed. Additionally, the sound from outside enters your body through your body and enters the womb. So your child, who is still developing, may also be impacted by outside noise. Perhaps, that is why most new mothers would notice their babies responding to their voices pretty early on itself.

  1. Bonding With You

As mentioned earlier, babies can listen to your voice. And, they would even recognize it too. So, in a way, the first person that the babies bond with is their mothers. We are sure that this comes as no surprise.

  1. Reacting To Stress

We all are aware that stress is a complete ‘no’ for expecting mothers. In fact, how often have we teased the husbands to cause as less stress as possible to their pregnant wives? The fact that stress is bad for the unborn child in the womb is another important factor. Therefore, reduce stress for the mother and the child.

  1. Can Understand Tastes

Incredibly, by as early as 13 weeks gestation, your baby has already developed taste buds as her brain develops and can determine between strong flavors like garlic or curry. She may even have a preference! Babies are able to distinguish between the five flavorings of sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami.

Babies are predisposed to prefer anything sweet tasting as the flavors are passed on to your baby through the amniotic fluid which she is swallowing. According to studies, newborns would swallow more amniotic fluid if it tastes pleasant. Your baby will ingest a whopping one litre of amniotic fluid per day throughout the third trimester, preparing her for breastfeeding. Keep in mind that, like amniotic fluid, breastmilk absorbs flavors from the mother’s food.

  1. Moves Inside The Womb

Babies generally start recognizing touch and feeling inside the womb. You will sense those motions as they begin to explore within with their hands or feet. They might simply be attempting to educate themselves about the environment. So, when you feel those kicks, it is just them performing somersaults or rolling around.

  1. Ready For The Big Arrival

Since our little ones are curious souls, the adventures begin when they are in the womb itself. They try to touch their limbs, look about, and do a lot of other amazing things. That is why they are prepared to start this new project when they first enter the globe.

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