Some Ways To Increase Your Chance Of A Normal Delivery

In this modern era, with many new things both technology and health and health issues. Accordingly, so does the need to be protected and cared for.

In the past, when mothers gave birth normally, today the trend of caesarean section is increasing. But the reality is that if a woman is eligible for a vaginal birth, there are many advantages over the cesarean section.

As a parent, everyone wants their child to be healthy and safe during pregnancy and childbirth. To have a healthy pregnancy, it is impossible to ignore maternal care, maternal health also needs to be a top priority.

Let’s look at the factors that increase the likelihood of the safest delivery technique.

Create a daily exercise routine: You don’t need to worry too much about childbirth, because during pregnancy, your body has gradually adapted to that. With the daily development of the baby, the mother’s body changes.

To adapt well, mother and baby need to exercise. Gentle exercises such as walking, stretching, yoga. Each workout should not be long, just 30 minutes and 2 to 3 times per week.

Maintain weight for mother and baby: When you’re pregnant, your daily diet is for two people, not just you as before. So your dishes need to be of sufficient quality, safe enough. Then the weight will increase with the month of pregnancy, try not to have excess fat, or sugar to be able to give birth naturally.

In pregnancy that weighs 13 to 15 kg, doctors will recommend cesarean section, because natural birth is not safe for both mother and baby.

Massage – perineal massage for mother: Massage – gentle massage in the last month of pregnancy, will help the process of vaginal birth easily, prevent the baby from opening too small to come out and having an episiotomy.

If you gave birth for the second time and you had a normal birth the first time, this is not necessary anymore. Your body is well prepared for this to happen.

Alleviate your tension : All mothers know how much the mother’s psychology will affect her children during pregnancy. You should be aware that certain hormones prepare your body for pain.

This hormone does not work well if the mother is always in a state of stress, prolonged stress. So try to keep your mind relaxed and calm, to have a healthy pregnancy for mother and baby.

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