46-Year-Old Mom Gives Birth To Identical Triplets She Conceived Naturally

Donna Carter, 34, was told she had ‘won the lottery’ when doctors revealed she was pregnant with triplets. The triplets weighed 4lb 9oz, 4lb 8oz and 4lb 5oz respectively, and are now doing well, weighing in at 7lb each.

Donna is a caregiver from Warsop, a town close to Mansfield. She had been dating her policeman lover from Egypt, Mahmood, for four years while they were living overseas. When she got back to the UK, she just realized she was expecting. “I was told I couldn’t have children at the age of 24 and now, at 34, I’m blessed with three,” she added. At five weeks, I was told there were three heartbeats, and when I returned, I discovered I was pregnant. Such a surprise, that. They informed me that the odds were one in a million, similar to winning the lottery, and that I could use the money right away if I did.

She was given a scan every other week at Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham after being referred there. Donna, who was 32 weeks pregnant, developed symptoms, received a pre-eclampsia diagnosis, and she was sent to the hospital. I was quite big, I grew like a balloon, she added. The boys made the decision to enter the world a week later. The triplets were born via caesarean surgery after a 15-hour induction of labor. Because everything was so loud when I woke up, I was bewildered. I only wanted a cup of tea when I first awoke in intensive care. I was unaware that they had been born.

They’re not mine, I thought when I saw a picture of my kids. Given that they must still be inside of me, how can they be my children? I believed I was still pregnant because I was so large. I was then brought down to view them. It was incredible, and I felt more overwhelmed and delighted than ever.

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