10 Beautiful Photos Of Fathers Welcoming Their Babies Into The World At Birth

Check out these moving photos of dads in the gourmet dining room to see how special it feels to witness or participate in bringing life to the world. “This little girl’s parents just handed her over to her dad for skin-to-skin contact and this adorable baby has been bullied! At the age of less than two hours, she raised her head to meet my eyes.

“For long years, this couple had yearned for a child. ‘I can hear him wailing from here!’ his sister remarked as I waited for the baby’s father to emerge from the OR. We spotted him a minute later, crying happily and hugging his newborn girl.”

Precious moments will not be forgotten! Welcome to our sweet home, my sweetheart baby.

“This dad’s pregnant wife and unborn daughter tragically passed away years ago. He has their names tattooed on his ring finger, which is visible in the photo. Later, he met and fell in love with his wife. This is their first son, Jude. Holding him for the first time skin-to-skin was a very emotional moment.”

What a beautiful baby! “I love it when dads skin-to-skin! This Marine was so gentle and sweet with his newborn son.”

“Amazing mother and incredible father gave birth to their lovely baby in the front seat of their automomile at 12:21 a.m.!” I’m still in awe of their fortitude; their lovely baby couldn’t wait any longer to enter the world, and his father delivered him just minutes after parking his car. There are no words to describe how incredible it was to witness this miracle; more will follow once I am able to record everything! What a crazy night it was for birth photographers.”

“This is the couple’s first live birth, they had a still birth just over a year and a half ago. This mom went through 24 hours of labor, and then everything stopped for just over a week. Her water then broke and she was in labor for 30 hours before their son was born. When the baby arrived, they both broke down crying when he took his first breath.”

“This was this couple’s first girl and their last baby. It was also their first home birth and it just all came together for them. There was so much love in the room. This baby is daddy’s little girl for sure.”

“Moments after watching his first child be delivered, this father tearfully gazes at his wife with such love and admiration.”

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