WONDERFUL! Meet Woman Who Gave Birth To 4 Babies In 11 Months (1 Triplet & 1 Single)

A mom from Wales experienced the miracle of life four times over in just 11 months.

Today in incredible pregnancy and childbirth news, we found out a mom gave birth to four babies in less than a year — and no, they’re not quadruplets.

Becky Johns, from Swansea, Wales in the U.K., always wanted to raise children who are close in age. After she gave birth to her daughter Mya in February 2015, she and her partner, Jason Evans, decided to try for one more so Mya could have a playmate.

Kayla, their oldest child, was nine years old at the time. “Just to make sure for myself, I had to stare at the screen.” And I counted each heartbeat individually. “I was pregnant with triplets,” John confirmed to Barcroft, adding that none of her acquaintances believed her.

Miss Johns, who lives with partner Jason Evans, said: “When strangers stop to see the four of them, they can’t believe that I had four babies in less than a year.

It does seem hard to believe, and it was such a shock when I discovered I was having triplets. “We had only been trying to conceive for a week when I fell pregnant. It all happened so quickly.”

“They were all naturally conceived and they were each from a separate egg, which is really rare. Doctors informed us it was the best way to have triplets because they each had their own placenta, which meant there were no concerns from sharing one,” John added.

“I was so huge by that time I could barely move and doctors wanted to get them out in case I went into labor early,” John told Barcroft.

“I’ve been carrying around nearly 15 pounds of babies. I couldn’t believe it. But I was just so relieved they were all healthy and well,” she added.

“Kayla is thrilled with her three new brothers and sisters and it’s lovely to think that Mya and the triplets will grow up so close in age,” John said.

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