Woman Who Nearly Died Following Miscarriage Welcomes Baby Girl After 20 Years Of Trying To Conceive

A mum who almost died after suffering from a miscarriage has welcomed a baby girl after 20 years of trying.

Rebecca Dando, 37, from Ebbw Vale, Wales, has suffered multiple losses since the age of 18, but was rushed to hospital in February 2021 after she haemorrhaged due to a miscarriage – resulting in her almost losing her life.

“I was very young, and I hadn’t even told my parents,” says Rebecca, while speaking of her first loss.

“I’ll never forget how horrible it was to be in my room by myself, knowing I had lost the baby.”

Rebecca fell pregnant again with her previous partner when she was 26.

“I was really happy when I found out – it seemed like the right time,” she said. But at the 12-week scan, Rebecca was told the baby’s heart had stopped beating.

“I had been really exited to be a mum, so I was crushed,” Rebecca said.

“It took a long time to get over.”

After spiralling into a depression, she didn’t fall pregnant again until December 2018.

“I had just split from my partner, but I knew I still wanted to be a mum,” Rebecca said.

“But in February 2019 I was told I had lost the baby at my 12-week scan.

“It was a missed miscarriage, so it was only the sac that remained. I had lost all hope that I would ever be a mum.”

A few weeks after the scan, Rebecca started bleeding but was told it was nothing to worry about.

“I was told it would just be like a heavy period, but it started up again when I was at work,” she adds.

Rebecca was rushed to hospital, where she then passed out due to having an extremely low blood pressure and hardly any pulse.

“They told me that I was nearly dead, and I had suffered a haemorrhage,” she says.

“I nearly had to have a hysterectomy when they couldn’t stop the bleeding. After I thought: ‘That’s it, I’ll never be a mum.”

After meeting her partner, Christopher Thomas, 26, in April 2019, Rebecca decided to give trying for a baby another go.

After no luck for a year, she was surprised when she found out she was expecting in September 2021, and this time the pregnancy progressed.

And Rebecca couldn’t contain her excitement when she discovered she was pregnant in September 2021.

“I was terrified because I didn’t think it would stick again. I thought I just had to make it to 12 weeks. But I was scared the whole time that I would lose her.

“I couldn’t relax until she was in my arms.”

Miracle baby, Lowri Joan Dando, was born on 23rd May 2022, weighing 7lb 6oz, at the Grange University Hospital, Cwmbran, Wales, via an emergency c-section.

“It was such a relief when she was out, and I could see her mop of hair. She’s safe and absolutely perfect.

“It has taken 20 years and several miscarriages to have a baby and I’ll never forget each loss but I’m so glad I never gave up hope.”

We’re so happy for Rebecca and her family!

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