Woman Who Became Grandma At 31 Says She’s Constantly Mistaken As Baby’s Mum

A woman is constantly mistaken for her step-daughter’s sister and her husband’s daughter after becoming a grandma aged 31.

Rachel Garrett Smith, 33, from Kansas, became a grandma back in 2021, when her step daughter, Sheridan Smith, 25, gave birth to her first child.

Rachel and her husband, Adam Smith, 48, have loved being able to babysit their granddaughter, Marley Batchelder who arrived on January 19 January 2021. According to WalesOnline, stepdaughter Sheridan and her partner Bobby Batchelder had a second daughter, Cora, on March 14, 2022, making Rachel a grandmother of two.

“I never expected to be a grandma so young it is crazy,” says Rachel.

“I was so shocked when I found out. Sheridan and I decided that Marley would call me ‘mimi’ so I don’t sound so old.

“She is adorable and it will be lovely to run around with her when she is a toddler.”

Adam, who has two children from a previous marriage, Sheridan and 24-year-old Brandon, and Rachel have a 17-year age difference.

“I am super close with Sheridan,” Rachel continues.

“We’re close in age so she calls me her ‘from’ – friend mom.”

The pair have even been mistaken for sisters on occasion.

“The waiter called us sisters but we didn’t correct her,” she says.

“It was just funny – we don’t even look alike.”

Sheridan and Bobby first told Rachel and Adam they were expecting back in July 2020.

“They passed us a beer and it had a sticker on it that said ‘baby Batchelder due February 2021′,” she says.

“Adam wept as he saw how stunned I was. Although I have never desired to have my own children, it is strange for me to comprehend that I am a grandmother and am now of childbearing age.”

Marley was born a month early weighing 4lbs 12oz on 19th January 2021, but was healthy and able to come home after spending just a few days in hospital.

“It was so surreal but I fell in love with her immediately. It is still strange to me but she is amazing.

“I am ready for people to mistake me for being Marley’s mum. I’m used to that sort of thing as people have thought I am Adam’s daughter.”

Cora, meanwhile, was born six weeks early in March 2022 weighing 4lbs 11oz.

And even though Rachel is a new grandmother, she adores the tiny ones while having a hard time understanding it.

“I wouldn’t change it for the world,” she says.

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