Woman Gives Birth To Septuplets, Six Girls And One Boy, In Natural Birth

A new mother is in good health after having seven babies in a single natural birth, with all the children reportedly doing well.

In what is thought to be the first septuplet case in the Middle-Eastern nation, the 25-year-old woman, who has not been named, gave birth at a hospital in the Diyali Province of eastern Iraq.

A spokesman for the local health department released a statement saying the mother, along with her six girls and one son, are perfectly healthy.

The seven newborns, six girls and one boy, are said to be in good health after receiving medical check-ups and images show four of the tiny babies lying in a bed together.

Dad Youssef Fadl said that he and his wife hadn’t been considering having any more children, which seems fair enough given that they’ve already got 10.

The McCaughey septuplets were born to Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1997 and were the world’s first set of surviving septuplets.  The couple famously declined selective reduction after learning they were pregnant with seven children following fertility treatment, saying it was ‘in God’s hands’.

After the McCaughey babies were born nine weeks prematurely, joining their big sister, Mikayla Marie, news crews swarmed their modest one-floor home.

In the midst of the media frenzy, President Bill Clinton personally called the family to offer his congratulations, and both Oprah and businesses rushed to offer the couple assistance.

A 5,500 square foot house, a van, a year’s supply of Kraft macaroni and cheese, diapers for the first two years, and full tuition for any state university in Iowa were among the gifts given to the family. During the early months, the septuplets drank 42 bottles a day and went through 52 diapers.

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