Woman Gave Birth To Black And White Twins, Thought She Was Handed The Wrong Baby Interview

When you think you’ve seen it all, Mother Nature surprises you. Today, we want to share a story about an unexpected gift that Judith Nwokocha, a Nigerian-born photographer from Calgary, Canada, received from the universe.

Judith gave birth to identical twins in 2016 who had various skin tones. When the mom first laid eyes on her babies, a brown baby boy named Kamsi and an albino baby girl named Kachi, she was astounded. The duo, after their mom shared their pics on social media, immediately became a sensation and went viral on the Internet.

Judith’s son Kamis has her dark skin, hair and eye color. His twin sister Kachi, meanwhile, is an albino.

She gave birth to twins, one brown and one albino baby

The woman was confused when she first met her little boy, Kamsi, who was brown, and her girl Kachi, who was later diagnosed with albinism

Judith said that the first time seeing the newborns, she wasn’t surprised because she thought it was a mistake. “I was shocked- I thought they had handed me somebody else’s baby, I didn’t believe she was mine. I was waiting for them to correct a mistake and hand me my brown baby girl but all I heard was congratulations and nothing more.”

After digesting the shock, however, Judith admitted: “I was just glad she was perfect- both were healthy and they just made me be stressed for nothing.

“Other than the fact that she is different colour, she looks exactly like me.”

The mother was worried to see how society would treat her twins at first. “Thankfully, we live in a more civilized country and even though people are surprised when they find out they’re twins, there’s been so much kindness and admiration. Although my daughter has experienced some bullying, the love she has experienced is far greater. In order to prevent her from feeling different, I continuously remind her how lovely and special she is.”

According to Judith, people are surprised when they find out Kamsi and Kachi are twins

“There’s been so much kindness and admiration”

“They’re best of friends and very protective of each other. They often ask me why they’re different and I tell them God made them different because He chose to.”

“My son Kamsi is very protective of his sister. They’re best friends even in school. Their instructor claims that they are often grouped together at school, which worries me a little bit because I would much rather make new friends. Kachi is more outgoing than Kamsi, who is a little more reserved.”

“When I had them, I prayed for my daughter’s color to change to brown. Today, I wouldn’t have her different for a million dollars. Albinism is beautiful”

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