Victoria’s Biggest Baby Arrives in Melbourne’s West

A Melbourne woman, Teuaililo Ala, gave birth to Victoria’s biggest baby, and quite possibly Australia’s biggest baby. Moama Ala was welcomed into the world weighing 6.32kg (13lb 14oz), which is a very healthy weight.

Teuaililo was expecting her son to be big and was told at her 35-week ultrasound that he was likely to be close to 4.5kg, but she wasn’t prepared for her baby to come in at just under 6.5kg.

Moama breaks the Victorian record previously belonging to Brian Liddle Jnr, born in January 2017, weighing in at 6kg (13lb 23 oz). Born at Sunshine Hospital, in Melbourne’s west, Moama is the heaviest baby born at the hospital, as well as in the state of Victoria.

Given the average baby weighs somewhere between 3 to 3.5 kilograms, this big bundle of joy is close to double the size of most newborns.

Teuaililo chose to have a cesarean section, and while obstetricians had been monitoring the pregnancy closely, they were still blown away with Maoama’s eventual size.

He was 60cm long and at just under 14Lb, didn’t fit into any of the 000 clothes that his mother brought with her to the hospital. He’s now wearing size 3 – 6 months. Moama’s birth weight is close to double that of the average newborn weight of around 3.5kg.

The size of their fourth child hasn’t deterred the couple from further children and they’re hoping to add to their growing family in the future.

Maoama is the fourth baby for the family – and is so far the heaviest.

“They were asking, did they look like him when they were babies. I was like, ‘Yeah, but the difference is the size’,” Mrs. Teuaililo said.

Despite being just four days old, he’s already outgrown clothes that he never got to wear.

“Double zero, triple zero, doesn’t fit on him. He’s wearing three to six-month-old clothes,” Mrs. Teuaililo said.

As for the possibility of more babies? Well, Teuaililo says she’s not finished yet and is crossing her fingers for a baby girl.

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