Touching Images Capture New Father’s Emotion After The Birth Of His Rainbow Baby

The happiness of welcoming their beloved child into the world is not only evident in the mother, but also shows the emotions on the faces of the fathers. The person who always accompanied her mother during October 9, a long journey of many emotions, and even tears.

Every kid is born filled with emotion, but parents expecting a rainbow baby experience a special set of intense emotions on the day of their baby’s birth.

But to photographer Leilani Rogers, who always captures birth moments, these are the pictures he has taken of the Madden family. Unlike other photos, this photo of the Madden family is very special. With many emotions of a father when he meets his beloved daughter for the first time.

Hope and Hunter Madden may have welcomed their baby girl Evelynn in 2017, after he and his wife went through a lot of sad things in previous pregnancies.

Their beautiful birth was captured by Rogers, but even more moving than the birth was Hunter’s emotional reaction to holding his daughter for the first time.

“This is a story about a mom and a dad who went through loss and persistence to get their baby,”

I was prepared for it. Throughout the birth, they felt a strong connection. Dad showed his wife a lot of affection. Every minute I spent with them was wonderful.

His wife’s labor lasted quite a long time, he must be very worried and loves his wife even more than she tried. The sweet dad’s expression brought us to tears before we even learned of the couple’s experiences leading up to that moment.

Family love, father-son love is an extremely strong and precious love.

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