Things I Miss About Being Pregnant

Pregnancy is, of course, a very challenging time. It cannot be compared to any other experience in the world. It is exciting as it is nerve-racking.

Yes, it’s all very intense and overwhelming. But beyond all that, pregnancy is a precious time for women, and we all end up cherishing it at some point or another. We can’t help but think back to the times we carried our baby inside of us when they are off being independent and doing their own thing as they grow up too quickly.

Here are some things that you will miss about being pregnant when the baby is out!

#1 All the attention that you get from everybody around you

You don’t know what it is, but you have never felt this particular in your life. It is not just your partner treating you like a princess, queen and king all at once. Everyone you encounter beams at you and inquires about your wellbeing. We all want you to be content and unharmed. They also informed you of this. You don’t have to worry about anyone recognizing even the slightest discomfort.

#2 The excuse to end all excuses

When you’re pregnant, no one dares to fault you for cancelling plans last minute or leaving early because hello, you’re pregnant and you’re busy “insert some “pregnancy related activity here.” You can avoid any unpleasant situation by adding pregnancy brain to the mix, including but not limited to missing your friend’s birthday or failing to click “send” on a really essential email. Not that I ever did that or anything.

#3 Your partner is doing all the chores

You wish you could get used to this. Your partner will help you look after the baby, but you can forget about them volunteering to vacuum the house every time. You begin sharing responsibilities again. This is probably the thing that you will miss the most about pregnancy, to be honest.

#4 You can eat what you want

Even though I’m typically a healthy eater, I allowed myself some gelato more times than I’d like to admit. You’re eating for two, right? Even though that second person is the size of a lemon, they need just as much gelato as you do. Plus, every bite was worth it.

Nobody will make you feel guilty about eating whatever you want when you’re pregnant because everyone assumes that you have random cravings all the time that are completely out of your control. This is true most of the time but not always. Because you are supposed to gain weight anyway, you will not say no to that Mars bar.

#5 People are incredibly friendly to you

You may develop a greater understanding of chivalry and how individuals respect one another throughout pregnancy. Doors will open for you, and people will move out of your way so you may bypass lines.

Nobody will give up their seat for you on the bus or the subway when you are not pregnant anymore. Everywhere you go, people treat you as nicely as possible. This VIP treatment lasts as long as the bump does.

#6 You do not have periods

Aunt Flo is not going to be showing up every month for a while now, especially if you are going to be lactating as well. This is not something you enjoy at any other point in your life, given that you are healthy.

As challenging as pregnancy is, it is also one of the most beautiful periods of your life. There are surely so many aspects of it that you will miss and wish you could repeat. The eagerness for your new life is something you will miss just as much as the other items on the list. You’ve had something to look forward to for the past nine months.

It is better than you expected, but you also feel that some part of your life has just ended. This is not at all a bad thing because you have so much to look forward to with your new baby.

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