Things Babies Enjoy Most When They’re In The Womb

Look at you, being the typical parents, who is finding ways to make their child happy, even inside the womb!

Well, we don’t blame you as the little one inside you deserves all the joy in the world. We are certain that you have considered a variety of options to make the baby happy after birth. But what about the time the infant is all by himself within your body?

Let us help you to understand about the things that your little munchkin would love and cherish while being in your womb. These techniques will not only make your unborn child happy, but they will also forge a relationship between you and your unborn child even before he is born.

You laugh, your baby laughs

Let your giggling blossom into a belly laugh and give your baby enough space in your womb to bounce with joy. An unborn can recognize his/her mother’s mood and laughter. Ultrasound shows that fetuses “bounce” up and down when mothers laugh. This happens because of muscle contractions.

Make the most of your pregnancy and be joyful for every new experience you will have during this time because the hormones of pleasure that are released when you feel well and enjoy yourself are also beneficial to infants!

The baby relishes the belly massages

Belly rubs and massages have the power to soothe your unborn. After spending nearly one and half weeks in your womb, he develops the touch receptors. Additionally, at twenty weeks, he will be able to feel any tender belly rubs that are provided from the outside as well. Give the soon-to-be father this responsibility by giving him the oils and creams. Allow your child to develop a relationship with his father as well.

Play music to your baby

Babies in the womb are conformist in nature. That means, whatever their mother enjoys or finds relaxing, they tend to feel the same about it. As far as music is concerned, it is appreciated by your baby-to-be if you too love to listen to it. While loud and jarring music can disturb them, soft music has a pleasing effect. So, put on your favorite music and enjoy with your baby. But make sure you keep the decibels low so as to not disturb your baby by those loud jerks.

Sweet food = Happy baby

You should know that whatever you eat, your amniotic fluid starts tasting like that only. You should make sure your kid is consuming a wide variety of healthful meals from the beginning of your pregnancy because food preferences are created intrauterinally. Remember that babies enjoy sweets in particular because it makes them more likely to breastfeed in the future.

Sweet food is a favorite of babies, even though they don’t appreciate hot dishes. So dear ladies, do not refrain from gobbling up the sweets and chocolates and let that be a reason for your baby’s happiness.

A happy baby lives in the healthy womb

Do not let your baby get bored inside your womb and shake him up with some mild exercise like yoga, simple stretches and basic exercises. Your moving body is a relief for your baby and the baby develops a healthy heart if the mom indulges herself into some activities.  Exercise causes your body to release endorphins, which reduce stress and improve the wellbeing of your inner child. Before starting any exercise program, don’t forget to follow your doctor’s advice.

Take rest

While you sit or are engaged in household duties, your baby wants to move around inside the womb but is unable to do so. Therefore, anytime you sit or lie down, try to give yourself ample time to unwind and keep your feet up. It will not only help in reducing swollen ankles but it will be great for the baby as it will get enough room in your tummy to do his moves. I bet you will feel the kicks of your little champ.

Pregnancy is the perfect time to experience positive emotions and make the most of them. The better you feel, the happier and healthier your future child will be. So, give him as many things mentioned above as possible so that he develops well and becomes a very happy child.

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