Tear-Jerking Moments Shows Tiny Twins Holding Hands After Being Born 11 Weeks Premature

A story about Australian twin preemies holding hands just days after their birth brought back a wave of emotions.

On January 4, 2016, Anthea Jackson-Rushford from Melbourne, Australia, gave birth to two premature twins. The tiny babies melted everyone’s hearts by holding hands on their father’s chest in a viral video.

After being born two months early, premature twins Kristiana and Kristian have been holding each other’s hands while undergoing medical tratments. Mom, Anthea Jackson-Rutherford posted a video of Kristian grasping his sister’s tiny hand as their father cradled the twins, in less than a week it’s been viewed over 10 million times. The proud mom writes that they are proving to be medical marvels for their age and progress.

The twins, Kristian and Kristiana were born when their mother Anthea Jackson-Rushford was just 28 weeks into her pregnancy, which means they were 11 weeks premature, weighed only under a kilo each. The mom wrote on Facebook that her “two little cherubs” are doing fine. “To all parents that face this, be comforted in knowing that today anything is possible and your babies will be just fine.”

Kristian and Kristiana have a special bond that originates in the womb. They’re seen resting on their father’s chest holding tight onto one another’s hand. If this doesn’t prove that love has no age limit, we don’t know what does.

Anthea has been documenting the twins’ journey on her social media pages and the couple, who live in Victoria, Australia, have received hundreds of messages of support from well-wishers.

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