Stunning Images Show The Stages of Human Life Forming Until a Child is Born

From birth to passing away, life remains a continuous series of events. We are accustomed to thinking that life begins with a pregnant lady and a baby, which develops into an adult before becoming friends with other people.

The final stage is growing old and watching the children and grandchildren grow as well. But wait, have you ever imagined how a baby is formed before he or she is born?

Swedish photographer, Lennart Nilsson (1922 – 2017) was a science enthusiast whose passion for photography led him into doing something amazing using a cystoscope.

In 1965, LIFE magazine published some of his amazing photos on the process of how a baby is conceived. The initial black and white shots he took in 1957 weren’t clear enough, but when he went through the same process again in 1965, the results were so incredible that we couldn’t help but share them with you. Besides, if you haven’t appreciated life forming all the while, it’s high time you do! These photos are undeniably a million words.

#1 The initial stage of conception

The sperm is moving towards the egg through the fallopian tube.

#2 Spermatozoon swam swiftly towards egg via fallopian tube

The egg with which the sperm will fuse.

#3  The Attraction

The moment when the sperm meets the egg. A very crucial stage.

#4 The Entrance

One out of many sperms is chosen to fuse with the egg.

#5 A close picture of a spermatozoon

The head of the spermatozoon has all the genetic material.

#6 Implantation

The embryo has been connected to the uterine wall for a week. For the baby to be born, this stage is essential.

#7  Day 22

A 22 days old embryo looks like this. The grey area later develops into a brain.

#8 Day 28

This is how a fetus looks after 28 days of fertilization.

#9 The face starts developing

The fetus begins to form the facial crevices at around 9 millimeters in size after 5 weeks.

#10 Day 40

The placenta starts forming at around day 40.

#11  The hands start moving slowly

The fetus understands the womb using the fingers.

#12 Developed nerves

You can be able to visualize the blood vessels of the baby under the translucent skin.

#13 Week 18

The fetus can begin to hear sounds coming from the outside world as early as the 18th week.

#14 20 weeks

Approximately 20cm. Woolly hair, known as lanugo, covers the entire head.

#15 24 weeks

Brain development phase

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