Single Aussie Gay Man Makes History With The Birth Of His Own Baby Boy: ‘It’s A Love Like I’ve Never Experienced Before’

A lot of people dream of one day becoming a parent. A vocation that everyone who grows up wants to have. Holding in the hands of small beings, watching them grow and develop into their own people, watching them change day by day. It was truly a miracle and many people predicted and fantasized about it. About cute little angels.

But for many people, it’s a dream that feels unattainable for a variety of reasons. But there is a solution, and surrogacy is gaining enormous popularity. These women offer to carry the babies of the unable and bring them into the world for loving and cherished new parents. A single gay man has became a father through surrogacy for the first time in Victoria, Australia, and despite his challenging journey, he couldn’t be happier. Go to the story now!

Shaun Resnik, a 44-year-old hypnotherapist and mind coach, made history as the first single man in Victoria, Australia, to become a surrogate father after baby Eli Michael born on March 22. A great happiness for this father, to meet his little angel from another help from others.

Shaun has always wanted a family, but he is unsure of how to make that dream a reality. He remarked, “Walking with my dad and the dogs and having this beautiful bond with him are some of my best memories growing up. It’s worth it to me simply to feel that connection with my lovely children. Though laborious, the effort is worthwhile.

To get Eli Michael, he went through an arduous journey that lasted 3 and a half years and that made him not happier.

At the age of 40, he began his difficult journey to becoming a father. For 2 and a half years, he searched for the right surrogate and tried three different surrogates, all with no success.

These things made him feel hopeless, but thankfully he found a surrogate, and the same-sex couple is overjoyed. The couple rapidly grew close. Bree, a mother of two, has consented to donate her eggs. Hope is all around Shaun. Since Carla, a mother of three, enjoys getting pregnant, she decided to donate her eggs after the couple finished growing their family.

The surrogate mother said, although this is not something everyone can and wants to do. But she feels very happy, because she was able to help many people realize their dream of becoming a perfect family. Help them be parents, when they can’t or can’t. I’m happy about that myself.

Baby Eli was born healthy and happy in his father’s arms. Shaun says that being a father is really not easy and says that Eli is a good person. Now, he is in a relationship with a man named Sean, enjoying his company with his 2 dogs and child, saying all his dreams have come true.

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