She Was A Mother For The First Time At The Age Of 66 And Now At 83 She Wants To Have Another Baby

One of the best experiences in a woman’s life is, without a doubt, that of becoming a mother, and those who are fortunate enough to be mothers report that it is one of the most transformative experiences they have felt, and it is not for less, because they know that the present and future of their babies merely depend on them.

The following story is directly related to the previous one, because a woman became a mother for the first time at the age of 66, and now that her firstborn is grown up, she wants to have a second pregnancy, but this time at the age of 83.

Even Elizabeth, who became the world’s oldest mother in January 2005, acknowledges she looks every one of her years, if not more, with her heavily wrinkled face and dyed black hair.

Despite the negatives that the doctors gave him at that time, Iliescu decided to carry out the procedure of in vitro fertilization, and in fact, her decision was so risky that her case became a Guinness record when she became pregnant.

Ella Adriana gave birth to a girl whom she named Eliza Iliescu, who is currently 17 years old.

Eliza has shown that her desired motherhood is the best thing that could have happened to her and now she proudly shows off her teenage daughter.

‘People think they are being funny when they call me granny, but I didn’t have Eliza to make me look younger. I never feel my years.’

“The mirror is not kind to women, but if we are talking about energy, then I feel like a young woman. I feel like I’m 27 years old.”

Despite what had previously been mentioned, the woman became the center of attention again just a few days ago when she stated that she would love to have another kid. Even though she is 83 years old, she believes it is still medically viable.

But her caution, she insists, has nothing to do with age, exhaustion at caring for a young child or the fear of dying. Adriana is hesitant to put her love for Eliza and their deep bond to the test with another kid because of her feelings for her.

“I am so close to Eliza, so bonded with her, I’m not sure I’d be able to ­consider having another child if it actually came to it,’ she says.”

“I’m fine and healthy and I think it would be possible to have another child in the future, but I’m not in a hurry at the moment. It’s not easy being a mother at my age. I would advise my daughter to have a child before the age of 30, but if she doesn’t, I think a woman should try to have a baby at any age.”

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