Photos Of Strong, Single, Blind Mother Give Birth Touching Your Heart

Even before birth, mothers and their children have a connection. After all those months, a sometimes difficult but ultimately fulfilling relationship has begun. Attachment is the emotional bond that develops between an infant and mother. That invisible bond of affection is felt deeply and happily the moment you see your baby born.

This strong, single, blind mother requested to “see” her baby as he crowned, reaching down to feel.

The midwives at Denver Health assisted her in catching him and gracefully bringing him up to her chest when the time came for him to decide to enter this world with one push.

He instinctually nestled into her chest and reached up to touch her face, her nose, her lips as she exclaimed, “YES, that is my face!”

Seeing the images presented in visual storytelling brought back a flood of emotion and memories. Priceless!

This woman embodies motherhood with her strength, beauty, courage and phenomenal sense of humor.

I have never stood next to a lady who could view the world so clearly, even though she may have struggles that most of us would never be able to understand.

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