Photographer Braves the Pain to Capture Intimate Images of Her Own Childbirth

The moment a child enters the world is special and excited parents often immortalize the event through photography.

Megan, 29, of Hamburg, who works as a fashion and wedding photographer, made an immediate promise to her husband, Ryan. She swore to pull off an impossible feat during her labor that would add an element of the “epic” to childbirth, which Megan already describes as a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The intimate images depict Mattiuzzo’s newborn son Easton in the midst of being delivered from a unique point of view. Her reasoning for doing this was simple.

Megan, said: “As a photographer (especially a wedding photographer), I’m used to capturing moments you can’t take back.”

“So when I found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to capture my son’s first breath, those first moments seeing his face for the first time.”

At 37 weeks, she brought the idea to her doctor, who told her it would be nice to try the photos since she had a healthy pregnancy.

“I was surprised by the [doctor’s] reaction because a lot of people told me I was crazy to think I could take a picture while pushing due to the pain,” recalls Megan.

Megan came prepared to photograph the event. Before entering into active labor, she readied her Nikon D5 camera and established the proper recording settings. “My husband’s role was to deliver it to me when it was time to start pushing,” she explains.

Her mother, Patty Scott, held tight to one of her daughter’s legs while offering words of support. Megan’s husband leaned in to comfort his wife as she began to push, holding a phone in one hand — it was his responsibility to send their relatives with updates – and Megan’s camera in the other. He capturing this moment so I can relive it over and over again.

She had received an epidural, and she was giving birth, and she admits her ability to focus might not have been quite as keen as always. While that is understandable, the succession of photos make it impossible to know. In the first, Lagopoulos and a nurse guide the small head into view, apprehensive eyes opening just a smidgeon, first in black and white and then — after a fast adjustment – in dazzling color.

Finally, frame by frame, an entire, wailing, triumphant baby emerges, photographed in full welcome-to-the-world glory by a mom still bound to him by the umbilical cord.

At 7 pounds 13 ounces, say hello to Easton Louis Mattiuzzo, checking in at 8:55 p.m.

“It’s awesome,” Megan said. “It’s so mind-blowing.”

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