Parents Welcome Identical Triplets Beating Odds Of 200 Million To One

Others see having a child as a major undertaking that they are not ready to take on any time soon. The night feeds, the sobbing… let’s face it, some folks shudder just thinking about it.

A mum gave birth to rare identical triplets naturally conceived – at odds of 200 million to one. Sian Williams, 31, was already excited to find out she was expecting her first child with partner Aaron Palfrey, 26.

But the scan revealed she was having triplets and they were going to be identical.

Thirty-one-year-old Sian and her partner, Aaron Palfrey, 26, were in a state of shock and presumably gutted that they hadn’t at least put a quid on the possibility.

Sian welcomed her bouncing baby girls by Caesarean section – first Jorgie arrived 2lb 14oz, then Belle at a 3lb 2oz and finally Olivia at 3lb 2oz.

Finance worker Sian said: “I was excited to be having one baby, but in the scan, the doctor picked up two heartbeats and then the third one. One little egg had created three miracles.

“The doctors told us they were identical and the odds of that happening without fertility drugs was one in 200 million.

“We were completely speechless and stunned. At our 15-week scan, we found out we were expecting three girls.”

Sian has now color-coded their huge toenail polish to distinguish the identical triplets – now that’s ingenious. Olivia possesses yellow, Jorgie possesses purple, Belle possesses pink, and Jorgie possesses purple.

She had to wait days after they were born through c-section at 32 weeks before she was allowed to touch them for the first time.

Sian added: “It was days before we were allowed to hold them but it was magical when we did.

“Aaron’s face was a perfect picture of pride. We couldn’t believe they were ours.”

Sian, from Gwent in South Wales, lost her dad Kelvin and her grandparents within a year.

She now says her triplets, who have just celebrated their first birthday, have been a source of ‘joy’ for the couple.

Sian said: “It had been such a horrible few years for our family so when we found out I was having triplets it brought joy back into our lives again.

“It is pure bliss watching them grow. Of course, it’s hard work but we love every minute of it.

“We’ve swapped our Mercedes for a sensible family Land Rover – it is much easier to fit in three baby car seats.”

Ms. Williams also gets a helping hand from her mum Julie, 57, who lives next door.

She added: “Aaron and I are a great team and we juggle the feeds really well.

“It is amazing but they all seem to sleep at the same time and long may it continue.

“Our house is right next door to my mum so it couldn’t be more perfect.”

Sian has cleverly color-coded their massive toenail polish to distinguish the identical triplets. Olivia has yellow hair, Jorgie has purple hair, Belle has pink hair, and Jorgie has purple hair.

She had to wait days after they were born through c-section at 32 weeks to touch them for the first time.

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