Nurse-Turned-Photographer Adds Smiles On Professional Baby Photos And It’s Hysterical

Amy Haehl, a 36-year-old photographer based in Shelbyville, Indiana, has been capturing sweet portraits of infants for 11 years.  She captures some breathtaking images of newly baked, gorgeous babies in pastel colours and hues that bring out the best in our little joys.

Like many people recently, Amy discovered a Faceapp and decided to have a little fun with photo editing. She chose to use the smiling filter on some of her newborn images instead of her own selfie, of course, with the parents’ OK.

The results are… interesting, to say the least. The album is entitled ‘If Babies Had Teeth,’ and the images range from absolutely funny babies to downright creepy ones.

“I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. I could have gone back and done this to every single cute baby that has ever come to my studio. Can’t. Stop. Laughing,” she wrote on her Facebook page.

What do you think? Cute or creepy? Scroll down to check them out for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!

She reached out to the parents of the babies in the images and asked for permission to share the heartwarming pictures.

“When I realized how absolutely hysterical it was I just had to share with my followers,” she said.

“I remember sitting with a parent who had lost her most precious gift and wishing I could give her something in that moment. That’s when I truly realized I wanted to pursue my love of photography. It means the world to me that I’ve had the opportunity to record so many significant moments and memories for my clients. I’ve been invited inside some of my clients’ most private moments, and I’m so grateful for that. I know in my heart this is what I was meant to do!”

“The biggest difference between working with newborns and other clients is the amount of patience it takes. You have to be extremely patient with newborns and it takes a lot of time to capture them in those perfect little positions. I tell other photographers all the time that if you don’t truly love the art of newborn photography, don’t do it. You have to absolutely have a passion for it in order to have the patience and dedication that it takes.”

“For the’ babies with teeth’ series, I saw someone post a photo of their child using Faceapp and decided to try it on a few of my photos. When I realized how absolutely hysterical it was I just had to share with my followers!”

“I’ve made it my mission to try to always put positive and heartwarming content in my followers’ news feeds. I believe that the world we live in is filled with negativity, so when I get the chance to make people laugh and smile and temporarily forget about all of that, I jump at the chance. I felt like these photos were a perfect way to do just that.”

“I never guessed they would be so popular but I’m so glad they’ve brought smiles and laughter to so many people. Overall the internet has reacted in such a positive way. I’ve received countless emails and messages from people thanking me for brightening their day. That makes my heart so happy,” she said.

Amy also praised the parents of the babies for allowing her to carry out the editing experiment.

“Additionally, I would want to express my gratitude to all of the parents of these infants for their kindness and for enabling me to share these with the world. These pictures would not be possible without their adorable babies…. and their babies are of course perfectly adorable without teeth,” she applauded.

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