Mum’s Disbelief When She Discovered Her Triplet Boys Are One-In-200m Rarity

Gina Dewdney, 34, fell pregnant and was shocked when she was told at her 13-week scan she was expecting three kids that all shared a single placenta

A mum’s triplet birth was made even more special as the babies shared a single placenta – a one in 200 million chance.

Doctors were taken aback when they realized the babies shared a single placenta, which is an unusual occurrence.

The three boys — Jimmy, Jensen and Jaxson — were born a month early at Liverpool Women’s Hospital on April 26, 2021

“We thought let’s see what happens and within a month I fell pregnant.

“I found out very early that I was pregnant, within a few weeks, and I started getting really severe migraines, which I don’t usually suffer from.

“But I was having visual migraines, really bad headaches and insomnia – I just couldn’t sleep and kept waking up in the middle of the night wide awake.

“I had this feeling that there was more than one baby and I had feeling we were having twins.

“I said it to my husband but didn’t mention it to anyone else and I didn’t really tell anyone I was pregnant because we weren’t seeing anyone in lockdown and I thought I would wait until the first scan and be traditional in that respect.

The couple, from Cheshire, was shocked to learn at a 13-week ultrasound that they weren’t just expecting their first child — but first three.

However, at 16 weeks there seemed to be a mix-up with the sex of the babies and the couple were told they were expecting two girls and a boy.

The dental therapist added: “At 16 weeks I was told it looked like two girls and one boy and two placentas fused together, but doctors couldn’t see where it had been fused.

“I was like ‘oh good get a bit of both’.”

Gina said she bought clothes for the two girls and the boy, named them and “envisioned” what life would be like with them.

However, at her 24-week scan Gina and Craig were told that in fact it definitely was three identical boys and it was difficult during ultrasounds to get a clear view as “someone’s foot would get in the way or someone’s head or they would kick each other.”

Doctors had planned for Gina to have a C-section, however her waters broke at 34 weeks and she started to have contractions and was rushed for an emergency C-section.

She added that around “30 people” were in the operation room as each baby had to have its own neonatal team.

Jimmy, Jensen and Jaxson were born in exactly one minute and 52 seconds from the ‘time the knife went in’.

The babies, who are now five months old, spent six weeks in the neonatal critical care unit before coming home for regular check-ups.

Gina said breastfeeding and lack of sleep has proven difficult, but the babies have started to get their individual personalities.

She said: “They’re starting to smile now and starting to see their characters.

‘What is interesting is they are all identical and DNA is the same, but they’ve got such different personalities already.

‘I think that is fascinating because they are all being brought up the same and you think of nature versus nurture.’


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